Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Mamfaat makan/minum tidak sambil berdiri dan alasan medisnya

dari Anas dan Qatadah radhiallaahu ‘anhuma, dari Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam : “Sesungguhnya beliau melarang seseorang minum sambil berdiri”. Qotadah berkata:”Bagaimana dengan makan?” beliau menjawab: “Itu lebih buruk lagi”(HR. Muslim dan Turmidzi).

Dari Abi Hurairah ra. berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Janganlah kalian minum sambil berdiri.” (HR. Muslim)

sesekali tidak apa minum berdiri
secara ilmiah dapat dibuktikan melalui penelitian ilmiah berikut ini

In our bodies there are the pores of the skin as outside our bodies called sfringer. Sfringer is a maskuler structure (muscle) which can be opened (so that urine can pass) and closed. Any water we drink will be distributed at the screening stations located in the kidney. Sfringer it will open at the time we sat down. And vice versa sfringer will be closed at the time we stood up.
If we sat drinking with the water we drink will be filtered by the sfringer. Instead, if we take the stand so the water we drink will not be filtered by sfringer because sfringer when closed and directly to the bladder
At a minimum there will be 2 disease that we suffer if we always drink with standing (not sitting):

  1. Any clean water we drink must contain lime. Because sfringer when closed, the water contents and no one can enter the so sfringer these calcium channels would accumulate in the ureter that will eventually crystallized. This is called urinary stone disease.
  2. Like a waterfall that falls into the hard stone, over time hard rock will be eroded and that blows a hole in the water. So is the water we drink, because sfringer closed then no water is filtered and all the water we drink will immediately fall into the bladder so the bladder will eventually get hurt and become infected.

That is the minimal disease that we will suffer if we take the stand. That means there will still be other diseases that would threaten, if we take a stand.


versi bahasa indonesia dari sumber lainnya

Jika kita minum sambil berdiri maka tidak dapat memberikan kesegaran tubuh secara optimal, karena air yang kita minum akan cepat turun ke organ tubuh bagian bawah. Sedangkan air yang dikonsumsi harus ditampung dulu didalam lambung, di lambung tersebut air minum disaring oleh sfinger. Sfinger adalah  suatu struktur maskuler (berotot) yang bisa membuka (sehingga air kemih bisa lewat) dan menutup, dan hanya terbuka apabila kita minum dalam keadaan duduk. Seharusnya setiap air yang kita minum akan disalurkan pada bagian-bagian penyaringan yang berada di ginjal, akan tetapi jikalau kita minum sambil berdiri, air yang kita minum tanpa disaring lagi akan menuju kandung kemih kemudian akan menyebabkan pengendapan disaluran ureter. Akibat banyaknya limbah-limbah yang menyisa di ureter maka bisa menyebabkan penyakit kristal ginjal. Salah satu penyakit ginjal yang berbahaya.
Ditulis oleh : Safira Hilwa Tsauri (Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta)

versi berbahasa inggris lainnya

Water contains dihydrogen monoxide, which is extremely dangerous to the pancreas if it is absorbed through the trachea. To prevent contamination, it's best to drink water slowly while in a squatted position. Sitting is usually fine, unless you're prone to acid reflux. Standing is the worst way to drink water. People who drink water standing often rupture the pancreas, causing toxic chemicals to seep into their blood supply and damage brain tissue.

 versi berbahasa inggris lainnya

Why is it not advisable to drink water while standing?

Scientifically, drinking while standing lets water hit the lower part of the esophagus strongly, & by time this leads to a dilation and relaxation of the sphincter that connects the esophagus and stomach, which finally leads to a medical condition called "GERD: GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease" in which the acids in the stomach pass backward through the "relaxed" sphincter and start "burning" the acid-intolerant esophagus. This leads to the sensation of heartburn that most of people complain of. And that's why drinking while sitting in much more better.

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