(Al-quran sr Al-an'am 73)..Dia mengatakan: ""Jadilah, lalu terjadilah"", dan di tangan-Nyalah segala kekuasaan di waktu terompet (sangkakala) ditiup. Dia mengetahui yang gaib dan yang nampak. Dan Dialah Yang Maha Bijaksana lagi Maha Mengetahui."
(Azzumar ayat 68) Dan ditiuplah terompet (sangkakala), maka matilah siapa yang di langit dan di bumi kecuali siapa yang dikehendaki Allah. Kemudian ditiup sangkakala itu sekali lagi, maka tiba-tiba mereka berdiri menunggu (putusannya masing-masing).
Ternyata bentuk kosmik jagad raya ini berbentuk seperti terompet,
kiamat terjadi jika "terompet" tsb sudah "ditiup" dan semua planet akan berhamburan
lihat pendapat dari tim ilmuwan University of Ulm - Jerman, yang menyimpulkan bahwa bentuk jagad raya ini seperti terompet (bersumber dari newscientist.com)
Big Bang glow hints at funnel-shaped Universe
Could the Universe be shaped like a medieval horn? It may sound like a surrealist's dream, but according to Frank Steiner at the University of Ulm in Germany, recent observations hint that the cosmos is stretched out into a long funnel, with a narrow tube at one end flaring out into a bell. It would also mean that space is finite.
Adopting such an apparently outlandish model could explain two puzzling observations. The first is the pattern of hot and cold spots in the cosmic microwave background radiation, which shows what the Universe looked like just 380,000 years after the Big Bang.
It was charted in detail in 2003 by NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. WMAP found that the pattern fades on the largest scales: there are no clear hot or cold blobs more than about 60 degrees across.
Steiner and his group claim that a finite, horn-shaped Universe fits this observation. It simply does not have room to hold very big blobs.
The present-day volume of their model universe is nearly 1032 cubic light years. Back when the Universe was only 380,000 years old it would have been a fraction of that size, too small to allow big fluctuations.
Infinitely long
In the model, technically called a Picard topology, the Universe curves in a strange way. One end is infinitely long, but so narrow that it has a finite volume. At the other end, the horn flares out, but not for ever - if you could fly towards the flared end in a spaceship, at some point you would find yourself flying back in on the other side of the horn (see diagram).
Horn-shaped models were suggested in the 1990s to fit a similar anomaly seen by the COBE satellite, but Steiner's group is the first to show that this idea fits the WMAP data. In 2003, another group claimed that the Universe might be finite (New Scientist, 8 October 2003.)
In this group's model, space had a soccer ball-like shape. But the model has run into trouble. It should have left a clear signature on the microwave sky - a set of circles that mirror each other's spot patterns - but these circles do not seem to be there.
The horn universe is harder to pin down. It would also make matching circles, but the pattern depends on what part of the horn we are in. "Our published search for matching circles probably does not rule out the Picard topology," says Neil Cornish of Montana State University in Bozeman.
Little ellipses
And the idea has another advantage. In the flat space of conventional cosmology, the smallest blobs on microwave sky maps ought to be round. But they are not. "If you look at the small structures, they look like little ellipses," says Steiner. The curve of the horn-shaped universe could be just right to explain this. If you look at any little piece of the horn, it is saddle-shaped like a Pringles potato chip - curving down in one direction and up in the perpendicular one. This "negatively curved" space would act like a warped lens, distorting the image of round primordial blobs in a way that makes them look elliptical to us. Mathematicians can construct an infinite number of different kinds of negatively curved space, most of them with one or more horns, and many of which might fit the data, but the Picard topology is one of the simplest.
This model would force scientists to abandon the "cosmological principle", the idea that all parts of the cosmos are roughly the same. "If one happens to find oneself a long way up the narrow end of the horn, things indeed look very strange, with two very small dimensions," says Holger Then, a member of the team.
Statistical flukes
At an extreme enough point, you would be able to see the back of your own head. It would be an interesting place to explore - but we are probably too far from the narrow end of the horn to examine it with telescopes.
Both of the crucial observations are still ambiguous, however, and may be statistical flukes. Over the next year or so, WMAP and other experiments will test whether large blobs really are lacking and whether small ones really are elliptical.
If they are, then our Universe is curved like a Pringle, shaped like a horn, and named after a Star Trek character. You could not make it up.
Kamis, 31 Mei 2012
Anjuran Rasulullah agar tidak (khusus) puasa pada hari Jum'at
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallohu anhu berkata, aku mendengar Nabi Muhammad shallallohu alaihi wasallam bersabda, “Jangan kalian mengkhususkan berpuasa pada hari Jumat kecuali jika engkau juga berpuasa sehari sebelumnya atau sehari sesudahnya” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallohu anhu dari Nabi Muhammad shallallohu alaihi wasallam, beliau bersabda : “Jangan kalian mengkhususkan malam Jumat dari malam-malam lainnya untuk shalat malam dan jangan kalian mengkhususkan hari Jumat dari hari-hari lainnya untuk berpuasa kecuali jika bertepatan dengan waktu yang seseorang yang biasa berpuasa padanya” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim,lafal hadits ini baginya)
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallohu anhu dari Nabi Muhammad shallallohu alaihi wasallam, beliau bersabda : “Jangan kalian mengkhususkan malam Jumat dari malam-malam lainnya untuk shalat malam dan jangan kalian mengkhususkan hari Jumat dari hari-hari lainnya untuk berpuasa kecuali jika bertepatan dengan waktu yang seseorang yang biasa berpuasa padanya” (HR. Bukhari dan Muslim,lafal hadits ini baginya)
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Beberapa etika hubungan badan suami istri dalam islam
Dari Jabir bin ‘Abdillah, ia berkata bahwa ketika itu orang Yahudi berkata kepada kaum muslimin, “Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi istrinya dari arah belakang, maka anaknya bisa bermata juling.
maka turunlah firman Allah Ta’ala, (QS. Al Baqarah: 223)
“Isteri-isterimu adalah (seperti) tanah tempat kamu bercocok tanam, maka datangilah tanah tempat bercocok-tanammu itu bagaimana saja kamu kehendaki” .
Lantas Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Terserah mau dari arah depan atau belakang selama di kemaluan.” (HR. Ath Thohawi 3: 41 dalam Syarh Ma’anil Atsar dengan sanad yang shahih)
Do’a Sebelum Melakukan Hubungan Suami Istri -
بِسْمِ اللهِ، اَللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا، فَقُضِىَ بَيْنَهُمَا وَلَدٌلَمْ يَضُرُهُ.
“Bismi Allâhi, Allâhumma Jannibnâ Syaithânâ wajannibi al-syaithânâ mâ razaqtanâ.”
dengan nama Allâh. Ya Allâh, hindarilah kami dari syetan dan jagalah darinya (syetan) apa yang engkau
rizkikan kepada kami.” (HR. Bukhâriy dalam Kitab Shahihnya pada Kitab Wudhuk Hadits ke-141).
sabda Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, dalam Syarh Shahih Muslim - Imam Nawawi(10: 6).
“Benar-benar terlaknat orang yang menyetubuhi istrinya di duburnya.” (HR. Ahmad 2: 479. Syaikh Syu’aib Al Arnauth mengatakan bahwa hadits tersebut hasan)
Begitu juga sabda Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
“Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi wanita haid atau menyetubuhi wanita di duburnya, maka ia telah kufur terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada Muhammad –shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam-.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 135, Ibnu Majah no. 639. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih).
Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Jika salah seorang di antara kalian menyetubuhi istrinya, lalu ia ingin mengulanginya kembali, maka berwudhulah” (HR. Muslim no. 308).
Perintah wudhu di sini adalah sunnah (anjuran) dan bukan wajib (Syarh Shahih Muslim, 3: 217)
Sedangkan hadits,
“Jika seseorang menyetubuhi istrinya, janganlah saling telanjang.”
(HR. An Nasai dalam Al Kubro 5: 327 dan Al Baihaqi dalam Syu’abul Iman 6: 163. Abu Zur’ah mengatakan Mandal yang meriwayatkan hadits ini adalah keliru). Penulis Shahih Fiqh Sunnah (3: 188) mengatakan bahwa hadits ini munkar, tidak shahih. Maka asalnya boleh suami istri saling telanjang ketika hubungan intim. Wallahu a’lam.
Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Sesungguhnya termasuk manusia paling jelek kedudukannya di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat adalah laki-laki yang menggauli istrinya kemudian dia sebarkan rahasia ranjangnya.” (HR. Muslim no. 1437)
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda, "Dalam kemaluanmu itu ada sedekah." Sahabat lalu bertanya, "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah kita mendapat pahala dengan menggauli istri kita?."Rasulullah menjawab, "Bukankah jika kalian menyalurkan nafsu di jalan yang haram akan berdosa? Maka begitu juga sebaliknya, bila disalurkan di jalan yang halal, kalian akan berpahala."(HR. Bukhari, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)
Wajib melakukan rangsangan terlebih dulu
Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.Beliau bersabda :
"Janganlah salah seorang di antara kalian menggauli istrinya seperti binatang. Hendaklah ia terlebih dahulu memberikan pendahuluan, yakni ciuman dan cumbu rayu."(HR. At-Tirmidzi).
Sabda Rasulullah saw “Tidak dibenarkan bagi seorang laki-laki untuk menyetubuhi istrinya setelah ia mimpi basah (ihtilam) hingga ia mandi terlebih dahulu
Nabi saw. telah bersabda:
"Jika suami mengajak tidur si istri lalu dia menolak, kemudian suaminya marah kepadanya, maka malaikat akan melaknat dia sampai pagi." (H.r. Muttafaq Alaih).
maka turunlah firman Allah Ta’ala, (QS. Al Baqarah: 223)
“Isteri-isterimu adalah (seperti) tanah tempat kamu bercocok tanam, maka datangilah tanah tempat bercocok-tanammu itu bagaimana saja kamu kehendaki” .
Lantas Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Terserah mau dari arah depan atau belakang selama di kemaluan.” (HR. Ath Thohawi 3: 41 dalam Syarh Ma’anil Atsar dengan sanad yang shahih)
Do’a Sebelum Melakukan Hubungan Suami Istri -
بِسْمِ اللهِ، اَللَّهُمَّ جَنِّبْنَا الشَّيْطَانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّيْطَانَ مَا رَزَقْتَنَا، فَقُضِىَ بَيْنَهُمَا وَلَدٌلَمْ يَضُرُهُ.
“Bismi Allâhi, Allâhumma Jannibnâ Syaithânâ wajannibi al-syaithânâ mâ razaqtanâ.”
dengan nama Allâh. Ya Allâh, hindarilah kami dari syetan dan jagalah darinya (syetan) apa yang engkau
rizkikan kepada kami.” (HR. Bukhâriy dalam Kitab Shahihnya pada Kitab Wudhuk Hadits ke-141).
sabda Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, dalam Syarh Shahih Muslim - Imam Nawawi(10: 6).
“Benar-benar terlaknat orang yang menyetubuhi istrinya di duburnya.” (HR. Ahmad 2: 479. Syaikh Syu’aib Al Arnauth mengatakan bahwa hadits tersebut hasan)
Begitu juga sabda Rasul shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,
“Barangsiapa yang menyetubuhi wanita haid atau menyetubuhi wanita di duburnya, maka ia telah kufur terhadap apa yang diturunkan kepada Muhammad –shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam-.” (HR. Tirmidzi no. 135, Ibnu Majah no. 639. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih).
Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Jika salah seorang di antara kalian menyetubuhi istrinya, lalu ia ingin mengulanginya kembali, maka berwudhulah” (HR. Muslim no. 308).
Perintah wudhu di sini adalah sunnah (anjuran) dan bukan wajib (Syarh Shahih Muslim, 3: 217)
Sedangkan hadits,
“Jika seseorang menyetubuhi istrinya, janganlah saling telanjang.”
(HR. An Nasai dalam Al Kubro 5: 327 dan Al Baihaqi dalam Syu’abul Iman 6: 163. Abu Zur’ah mengatakan Mandal yang meriwayatkan hadits ini adalah keliru). Penulis Shahih Fiqh Sunnah (3: 188) mengatakan bahwa hadits ini munkar, tidak shahih. Maka asalnya boleh suami istri saling telanjang ketika hubungan intim. Wallahu a’lam.
Dari Abu Sa’id Al Khudri, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Sesungguhnya termasuk manusia paling jelek kedudukannya di sisi Allah pada hari kiamat adalah laki-laki yang menggauli istrinya kemudian dia sebarkan rahasia ranjangnya.” (HR. Muslim no. 1437)
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda, "Dalam kemaluanmu itu ada sedekah." Sahabat lalu bertanya, "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah kita mendapat pahala dengan menggauli istri kita?."Rasulullah menjawab, "Bukankah jika kalian menyalurkan nafsu di jalan yang haram akan berdosa? Maka begitu juga sebaliknya, bila disalurkan di jalan yang halal, kalian akan berpahala."(HR. Bukhari, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)
Wajib melakukan rangsangan terlebih dulu
Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.Beliau bersabda :
"Janganlah salah seorang di antara kalian menggauli istrinya seperti binatang. Hendaklah ia terlebih dahulu memberikan pendahuluan, yakni ciuman dan cumbu rayu."(HR. At-Tirmidzi).
Sabda Rasulullah saw “Tidak dibenarkan bagi seorang laki-laki untuk menyetubuhi istrinya setelah ia mimpi basah (ihtilam) hingga ia mandi terlebih dahulu
Nabi saw. telah bersabda:
"Jika suami mengajak tidur si istri lalu dia menolak, kemudian suaminya marah kepadanya, maka malaikat akan melaknat dia sampai pagi." (H.r. Muttafaq Alaih).
4 perbuatan yang bisa merubah takdir buruk menjadi takdir baik
Pertama :
“BERDO’A SELAMAT” (Do’a minta selamat dunia akhirat).
Hadits dari Imam Turmudzi dan Hakim, diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Umar, bahwa Nabi SAW Bersabda : “Barangsiapa hatinya terbuka untuk berdo’a, maka pintu-pintu rahmat akan dibukakan untuknya. Tidak ada permohonan yang lebih disenangi oleh Allah daripada permohonan orang yang meminta keselamatan. Sesungguhnya do’a bermanfa’at bagi sesuatu yang sedang terjadi dan yang belum terjadi. Dan tidak ada yang bisa menolak taqdir kecuali do’a, maka berpeganglah wahai hamba Allah pada do’a”
Kedua :
Hadits Bukhari-Muslim-At-Turmudzi-Imam Ahmad mengatakan bahwa sedekah itu dapat menolak bencana, karena ada hadits Rasulullah SAW dari Ali, bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda : “Sedekah dapat merubah taqdir yang mubram”. Asal hadits tersebut di atas adalah “Silaturrahmi dapat memperpanjang umur dan sedekah dapat merubah taqdir yang mubram”
Ketiga :
Bacaan tasbih dapat mencegah terjadinya bencana, karena ada hadits yang diriwayatkan Ibnu Ka’ab, dari Rasulullah SAW, bahwa beliau bersabda : “(kalimat) Subhanallah dapat mencegah turunnya adzab”
Hal ini juga ditunjukkan oleh Firman Allah dalam surat Ash-Shoffat 143 :
“Maka kalau sekiranya dia (Nabi Yunus as) tidak termasuk orang-orang yang banyak mengingat Allah, niscaya ia akan tetap tinggal di perut ikan itu sampai hari kebangkitan”.
dan berikut Tasbih Nabi Yunus as ketika ditimpa kesulitan (didalam perut ikan) yang tertera didalam Al-qur'an
”Tidak ada Tuhan yang sebenarnya disembah melainkan engkau, ya Allah.
Maha Suci engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang yang membuat zalim.”
juga hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Sa’ad Ibnu Abi Waqosh, Rasulullah bersabda :
“Maukah kalian Aku beritahu sesuatu do’a, yang jika kalian memanfa’atkan itu ketika ditimpa kesedihan atau bencana, maka Allah akan menghilangkan kesedihan itu ?. Para sahabat menjawab : “Ya, wahai Rasululullah, Rasul bersabda “Yaitu do’a “Dzun-Nun :
“LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINADH-DHOLIMIN” (Tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau, maha suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku termasuk diantara orang-orang yang dholim”) H.R. Imam Ahmad, At-Turmudzi dan Al-Hakim
Keempat :
Ada sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Ubay Ibnu Ka’ab, bahwa ada seorang laki-laki telah mendedikasikan semua pahala sholawatnya untuk Rasulullah SAW, maka Rasul berkata kepada orang tersebut : “Jika begitu lenyaplah kesedihanmu, dan dosamu akan diampuni” (H.R Imam Ahmad At-Tabroni}
Para Sholihin berkata : “Sesungguhnya diantara sebab terbesar yang dapat menolak taqdir dan melenyapkan keruwetan hidup adalah banyak membaca shalawat untuk Rasulullah, karena sesungguhnya jika banyak membaca shalawat untuk Beliau termasuk perantara yang berguna untuk keamanan dari segala ketakutan dan mendapat penghargaan dari Allah dengan ketinggian derajat di syurga”.
Allah berfirman dalam surat Al-ahzab 56 :
إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا
“Sesungguhnya Allah dan Malaikat-Malaikatnya bersholawat untuk Nabi. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersholawatlah kamu untuk Nabi dan ucapkan salam penghormatan kepada-nya”
Sholawat dari orang mukmin adalah do’a. Rasulullah bersabda : “Setiap do’a akan terhijab di bawah langit, ketika sholawat datang menghantarnya, maka do’a itu akan naik”
“BERDO’A SELAMAT” (Do’a minta selamat dunia akhirat).
Hadits dari Imam Turmudzi dan Hakim, diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Umar, bahwa Nabi SAW Bersabda : “Barangsiapa hatinya terbuka untuk berdo’a, maka pintu-pintu rahmat akan dibukakan untuknya. Tidak ada permohonan yang lebih disenangi oleh Allah daripada permohonan orang yang meminta keselamatan. Sesungguhnya do’a bermanfa’at bagi sesuatu yang sedang terjadi dan yang belum terjadi. Dan tidak ada yang bisa menolak taqdir kecuali do’a, maka berpeganglah wahai hamba Allah pada do’a”
Kedua :
Hadits Bukhari-Muslim-At-Turmudzi-Imam Ahmad mengatakan bahwa sedekah itu dapat menolak bencana, karena ada hadits Rasulullah SAW dari Ali, bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda : “Sedekah dapat merubah taqdir yang mubram”. Asal hadits tersebut di atas adalah “Silaturrahmi dapat memperpanjang umur dan sedekah dapat merubah taqdir yang mubram”
Ketiga :
Bacaan tasbih dapat mencegah terjadinya bencana, karena ada hadits yang diriwayatkan Ibnu Ka’ab, dari Rasulullah SAW, bahwa beliau bersabda : “(kalimat) Subhanallah dapat mencegah turunnya adzab”
Hal ini juga ditunjukkan oleh Firman Allah dalam surat Ash-Shoffat 143 :
“Maka kalau sekiranya dia (Nabi Yunus as) tidak termasuk orang-orang yang banyak mengingat Allah, niscaya ia akan tetap tinggal di perut ikan itu sampai hari kebangkitan”.
dan berikut Tasbih Nabi Yunus as ketika ditimpa kesulitan (didalam perut ikan) yang tertera didalam Al-qur'an
”Tidak ada Tuhan yang sebenarnya disembah melainkan engkau, ya Allah.
Maha Suci engkau, sesungguhnya aku adalah dari orang yang membuat zalim.”
juga hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Sa’ad Ibnu Abi Waqosh, Rasulullah bersabda :
“Maukah kalian Aku beritahu sesuatu do’a, yang jika kalian memanfa’atkan itu ketika ditimpa kesedihan atau bencana, maka Allah akan menghilangkan kesedihan itu ?. Para sahabat menjawab : “Ya, wahai Rasululullah, Rasul bersabda “Yaitu do’a “Dzun-Nun :
“LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINADH-DHOLIMIN” (Tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau, maha suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku termasuk diantara orang-orang yang dholim”) H.R. Imam Ahmad, At-Turmudzi dan Al-Hakim
Keempat :
Ada sebuah hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh Ubay Ibnu Ka’ab, bahwa ada seorang laki-laki telah mendedikasikan semua pahala sholawatnya untuk Rasulullah SAW, maka Rasul berkata kepada orang tersebut : “Jika begitu lenyaplah kesedihanmu, dan dosamu akan diampuni” (H.R Imam Ahmad At-Tabroni}
Para Sholihin berkata : “Sesungguhnya diantara sebab terbesar yang dapat menolak taqdir dan melenyapkan keruwetan hidup adalah banyak membaca shalawat untuk Rasulullah, karena sesungguhnya jika banyak membaca shalawat untuk Beliau termasuk perantara yang berguna untuk keamanan dari segala ketakutan dan mendapat penghargaan dari Allah dengan ketinggian derajat di syurga”.
Allah berfirman dalam surat Al-ahzab 56 :
إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَاأَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا
“Sesungguhnya Allah dan Malaikat-Malaikatnya bersholawat untuk Nabi. Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bersholawatlah kamu untuk Nabi dan ucapkan salam penghormatan kepada-nya”
Sholawat dari orang mukmin adalah do’a. Rasulullah bersabda : “Setiap do’a akan terhijab di bawah langit, ketika sholawat datang menghantarnya, maka do’a itu akan naik”
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Azan dan iqamah di telinga bayi yang baru lahir
Dari ‘Ubaidillah bin Abi Rofi’, dari ayahnya (Abu Rofi’), beliau berkata,
“Aku telah melihat Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengumandangkan adzan di telinga Al Hasan bin ‘Ali ketika Fathimah melahirkannya dengan adzan shalat”. (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Tirmidzi)
Dari Al Husain bin ‘Ali, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Bayi siapa saja yang baru lahir, lalu diadzankan di telinga kanan dan dikumandangkan iqomah di telinga kiri, maka ummu shibyan tidak akan membahayakannya.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Ya’la dalam musnadnya dan Ibnu Sunny dalam Al Yaum wal Lailah). Ummu shibyan adalah jin (perempuan).
Dari Ibnu Abbas, beliau mengatakan,
“Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam adzan di telinga al-Hasan bin ‘Ali pada hari beliau dilahirkan maka beliau adzan di telinga kanan dan iqamat di telinga kiri.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Al Baihaqi dalam Syu’abul Iman)
“Aku telah melihat Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengumandangkan adzan di telinga Al Hasan bin ‘Ali ketika Fathimah melahirkannya dengan adzan shalat”. (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud dan Tirmidzi)
Dari Al Husain bin ‘Ali, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Bayi siapa saja yang baru lahir, lalu diadzankan di telinga kanan dan dikumandangkan iqomah di telinga kiri, maka ummu shibyan tidak akan membahayakannya.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Ya’la dalam musnadnya dan Ibnu Sunny dalam Al Yaum wal Lailah). Ummu shibyan adalah jin (perempuan).
Dari Ibnu Abbas, beliau mengatakan,
“Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam adzan di telinga al-Hasan bin ‘Ali pada hari beliau dilahirkan maka beliau adzan di telinga kanan dan iqamat di telinga kiri.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Al Baihaqi dalam Syu’abul Iman)
Mengapa Al-qur'an harus tetap dalam bhs Arab?
(Al-qur'an surah An-Nahl ayat 68) Dan Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada lebah: ""Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu, dan di tempat-tempat yang dibuat manusia"".
kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia.
Ternyata secara tidak langsung Alqur'an mengabarkan bahwa semua lebah pekerja yang mengumpulkan Pollen dan Madu adalah lebah betina
lihat kata "Takhdzii" اتَّخِذى (buatlah) dan "Kulii" كُلى (makanlah) yang dalam tata bahasa Arab disebut Fi'il Amr (jenis kata perintah) yang ditujukan untuk objek perempuan/betina
Oleh karena itulah alasan mengapa Al-qur'an tetap harus dalam teks bahasa Arab untuk menjaga kemurniannya, yang jika dirubah dalam bahasa lain akan mengurangi nilai maknanya
Senin, 28 Mei 2012
Inilah salah satu alasan mengapa A-qur'an menjadi "kurang suci" jika diterjemah ke bahasa lain
(Al-qur'an surah An-Nahl ayat 68) Dan Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada lebah: ""Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu, dan di tempat-tempat yang dibuat manusia"".
kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia.
Ternyata secara tidak langsung Alqur'an mengabarkan bahwa semua lebah pekerja yang mengumpulkan Pollen dan Madu adalah lebah betina
lihat kata "Takhdzii" اتَّخِذى (buatlah) dan "Kulii" كُلى (makanlah) yang dalam tata bahasa Arab disebut Fi'il Amr (jenis kata perintah) yang ditujukan untuk objek perempuan/betina
Oleh karena itulah alasan mengapa Al-qur'an tetap harus dalam teks bahasa Arab untuk menjaga kemurniannya, yang jika dirubah dalam bahasa lain akan mengurangi nilai maknanya
kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia.
Ternyata secara tidak langsung Alqur'an mengabarkan bahwa semua lebah pekerja yang mengumpulkan Pollen dan Madu adalah lebah betina
lihat kata "Takhdzii" اتَّخِذى (buatlah) dan "Kulii" كُلى (makanlah) yang dalam tata bahasa Arab disebut Fi'il Amr (jenis kata perintah) yang ditujukan untuk objek perempuan/betina
Oleh karena itulah alasan mengapa Al-qur'an tetap harus dalam teks bahasa Arab untuk menjaga kemurniannya, yang jika dirubah dalam bahasa lain akan mengurangi nilai maknanya
Sebuah kisah menceritakan cara "membuang sial" yang efektif
Imam Ja’far Ash-Shadiq (sa) berkata:
Pada suatu hari orang yahudi lewat dekat Rasulullah saw, lalu ia mengucapkan: Assam alayka (kematian atasmu). Rasulullah saw menjawab: Alayka (atasmu).
Lalu para sahabatnya berkata: Ia mengucapkan salam atasmu dengan ucapan kematian, ia berkata: kematian atasmu. Nabi saw bersabda: “Demikian juga jawabanku.
Kemudian Rasulullah saw bersabda: Sesungguhnya orang yahudi ini tengkuknya akan digigit oleh binatang yang hitam (ular dan kalajengking) dan mematikannya. Kemudian orang yahudi itu pergi mencari kayu bakar lalu ia membawa kayu bakar yang banyak. Rasulullah saw belum meninggalkan tempat itu dan ternyata yahudi tersebut lewat lagi (tidak mati sesuai prediksi Rasulullah).
Maka Rasulullah saw bersabda kepadanya: Letakkan kayu bakarmu. Ternyata di dalam kayu bakar itu ada binatang hitam seperti yang dinyatakan oleh beliau. Kemudian Rasulullah saw bersabda: Wahai fulan, amal apa yang kamu lakukan? Ia menjawab: Aku tidak punya kerjaan kecuali mencari kayu bakar seperti yang aku bawa ini, dan aku membawa dua potong roti, lalu aku makan yang satu potong dan satu potong yang lain aku sedekahkan pada orang miskin. Maka Rasulullah saw bersabda: Dengan sedekah itu Allah menyelamatkan dia. Selanjutnya beliau bersabda: Sedekah dapat menyelamatkan manusia dari kematian yang buruk.
(Al-Wasail 6: 267, hadis ke 4)
Pada suatu hari orang yahudi lewat dekat Rasulullah saw, lalu ia mengucapkan: Assam alayka (kematian atasmu). Rasulullah saw menjawab: Alayka (atasmu).
Lalu para sahabatnya berkata: Ia mengucapkan salam atasmu dengan ucapan kematian, ia berkata: kematian atasmu. Nabi saw bersabda: “Demikian juga jawabanku.
Kemudian Rasulullah saw bersabda: Sesungguhnya orang yahudi ini tengkuknya akan digigit oleh binatang yang hitam (ular dan kalajengking) dan mematikannya. Kemudian orang yahudi itu pergi mencari kayu bakar lalu ia membawa kayu bakar yang banyak. Rasulullah saw belum meninggalkan tempat itu dan ternyata yahudi tersebut lewat lagi (tidak mati sesuai prediksi Rasulullah).
Maka Rasulullah saw bersabda kepadanya: Letakkan kayu bakarmu. Ternyata di dalam kayu bakar itu ada binatang hitam seperti yang dinyatakan oleh beliau. Kemudian Rasulullah saw bersabda: Wahai fulan, amal apa yang kamu lakukan? Ia menjawab: Aku tidak punya kerjaan kecuali mencari kayu bakar seperti yang aku bawa ini, dan aku membawa dua potong roti, lalu aku makan yang satu potong dan satu potong yang lain aku sedekahkan pada orang miskin. Maka Rasulullah saw bersabda: Dengan sedekah itu Allah menyelamatkan dia. Selanjutnya beliau bersabda: Sedekah dapat menyelamatkan manusia dari kematian yang buruk.
(Al-Wasail 6: 267, hadis ke 4)
Minggu, 27 Mei 2012
Buruknya tidak sholat atau lalai dengan sholatnya
dalam al-Qur’an dalam bentuk dialog berikut ini:
“Apa yang menjadikan kalian terjerumus ke dalam Neraka Saqar?” Mereka menjawab: ” Kami dahulu tidak termasuk kelompok orang-orang yang sholat.” (QS. Al-Muddatstsir [74]: 42-43).
“Maka kecelakaanlah bagi orang-orang yang shalat, (yaitu) orang-orang yang lalai dari shalatnya.” (Al-qur'an surah Al Maa’un [107]: 4-5)
(Dari hadits riwayat peristiwa Mi'raj)
Mengenai balasan bagi orang yang meninggalkan Sholat Fardu: "Rasulullah SAW, diperlihatkan pada suatu kaum yang membenturkan kepala mereka pada batu, Setiap kali benturan itu menyebabkan kepala pecah, kemudian ia kembali kepada keadaan semula dan mereka tidak terus berhenti melakukannya. Lalu Rasulullah bertanya: "Siapakah ini wahai Jibril"? Jibril menjawab: "Mereka ini orang yang berat kepalanya untuk menunaikan Sholat fardhu". (Riwayat Tabrani).
Dari Jabir bin ‘Abdillah, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“(Pembatas) antara seorang muslim dan kesyirikan serta kekafiran adalah meninggalkan shalat.” (HR. Muslim no. 257)
Dari Tsauban radhiyallahu ‘anhu -bekas budak Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam-, beliau mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Pemisah Antara seorang hamba dengan kekufuran dan keimanan adalah shalat. Apabila dia meninggalkannya, maka dia melakukan kesyirikan.” (HR. Ath Thobariy dengan sanad shohih. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan hadits ini shohih. Lihat Shohih At Targib wa At Tarhib no. 566).
“Dari Abu Hurairah r.a berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Tidak ada bagian dalam Islam bagi orang yang tidak mengerjakan shalat dan tidak ada shalat bagi orang yang tidak ada wudhu.” (Hr. Al-Bazar)
Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Barangsiapa meninggalkan shalat hingga terlewat waktunya, lalu ia mengqadhanya, maka ia akan disiksa didalam neraka selama satu huqub, satu huqub sama dengan 80 tahun, dan satu tahun terdiri dari 360 hari. Sedangkan ukuran satu hari (diakhirat) adalah 1.000 tahun (di dunia)” (Majalisul Abrar)
Abu Hurairah ra meriwayatkan, “Setelah Isya’ aku bersama Umar bin Khattab ra pergi ke rumah Abu Bakar Shiddiq ra untuk suatu keperluan. Sewaktu melewati pintu rumah Rasulullah saw kami mendengar suara rintihan. Kami pun terhenyak dan berhenti sejenak.
Kami dengar beliau menai igis dan meratap.” “Ahh… andaikan saja aku dapat hidup terus untuk melihat apa yar diperbuat oleh umatku terhadap sholat. Ahh… aku sungguh menyesali umatku.” “Wahai Abu Hurairah, mari kita ketuk pintu ini,” kata Umar ra.
Umar kemudian mengetuk pintu. “Siapa?” tanya Aisyah ra. “Aku bersama Abu Hurairah.” Kami meminta izin untuk masuk dan ia mengizinkannya. Setelah masuk, kami lihat Rasulullah saw sedang bersujud dan menangis sedih, beliau berkata dalam sujudnya: ‘Duhai Tuhanku, Engkau adalah Waliku bagi umatku, maka perlakukan mereka sesuai sifat-Mu dan jangan perlakukan mereka sesuai perbuatan mereka.
“Ya Rasulullah, ayah dan ibuku menjadi tebusanmu. Apa gerangan yang terjadi, mengapa engkau begitu sedih?” kata Umar. Rasul menjawab, “Wahai Umar, dalam perjalananku ke rumah Aisyah sehabis mengerjakan sholat di mesjid, Jibril mendatangiku dan berkata, “Wahai Muhammad, Allah Yang Maha Benar mengucapkan salam kepadamu,” kemudian ia berkata, “Bacalah!” “Apa yang harus kubaca?” “Bacalah: “Maka datanglah sesudah mereka pengganti (yang jelek) yang menyia¬nyiakan sholat dan memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, mereka kelak akan menemui kesesatan.” (QS. Maryam, 19:59)
“Wahai Jibril, apakah sepeninggalku nanti umatku akan mengabaikan sholat?” ujar Rasulullah. “Benar, wahai Muhammad, kelak di akhir zaman akan datang sekelompok manusia dari umatmu yang mengabaikan sholat, mengakhirkan sholat (hingga keluar dari waktunya), dan memperturutkan hawa nafsu. Bagi mereka satu dinar (uang) lebih berharga daripada sholat.”
“Apa yang menjadikan kalian terjerumus ke dalam Neraka Saqar?” Mereka menjawab: ” Kami dahulu tidak termasuk kelompok orang-orang yang sholat.” (QS. Al-Muddatstsir [74]: 42-43).
“Maka kecelakaanlah bagi orang-orang yang shalat, (yaitu) orang-orang yang lalai dari shalatnya.” (Al-qur'an surah Al Maa’un [107]: 4-5)
(Dari hadits riwayat peristiwa Mi'raj)
Mengenai balasan bagi orang yang meninggalkan Sholat Fardu: "Rasulullah SAW, diperlihatkan pada suatu kaum yang membenturkan kepala mereka pada batu, Setiap kali benturan itu menyebabkan kepala pecah, kemudian ia kembali kepada keadaan semula dan mereka tidak terus berhenti melakukannya. Lalu Rasulullah bertanya: "Siapakah ini wahai Jibril"? Jibril menjawab: "Mereka ini orang yang berat kepalanya untuk menunaikan Sholat fardhu". (Riwayat Tabrani).
Dari Jabir bin ‘Abdillah, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“(Pembatas) antara seorang muslim dan kesyirikan serta kekafiran adalah meninggalkan shalat.” (HR. Muslim no. 257)
Dari Tsauban radhiyallahu ‘anhu -bekas budak Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam-, beliau mendengar Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
“Pemisah Antara seorang hamba dengan kekufuran dan keimanan adalah shalat. Apabila dia meninggalkannya, maka dia melakukan kesyirikan.” (HR. Ath Thobariy dengan sanad shohih. Syaikh Al Albani mengatakan hadits ini shohih. Lihat Shohih At Targib wa At Tarhib no. 566).
“Dari Abu Hurairah r.a berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda, “Tidak ada bagian dalam Islam bagi orang yang tidak mengerjakan shalat dan tidak ada shalat bagi orang yang tidak ada wudhu.” (Hr. Al-Bazar)
Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Barangsiapa meninggalkan shalat hingga terlewat waktunya, lalu ia mengqadhanya, maka ia akan disiksa didalam neraka selama satu huqub, satu huqub sama dengan 80 tahun, dan satu tahun terdiri dari 360 hari. Sedangkan ukuran satu hari (diakhirat) adalah 1.000 tahun (di dunia)” (Majalisul Abrar)
Abu Hurairah ra meriwayatkan, “Setelah Isya’ aku bersama Umar bin Khattab ra pergi ke rumah Abu Bakar Shiddiq ra untuk suatu keperluan. Sewaktu melewati pintu rumah Rasulullah saw kami mendengar suara rintihan. Kami pun terhenyak dan berhenti sejenak.
Kami dengar beliau menai igis dan meratap.” “Ahh… andaikan saja aku dapat hidup terus untuk melihat apa yar diperbuat oleh umatku terhadap sholat. Ahh… aku sungguh menyesali umatku.” “Wahai Abu Hurairah, mari kita ketuk pintu ini,” kata Umar ra.
Umar kemudian mengetuk pintu. “Siapa?” tanya Aisyah ra. “Aku bersama Abu Hurairah.” Kami meminta izin untuk masuk dan ia mengizinkannya. Setelah masuk, kami lihat Rasulullah saw sedang bersujud dan menangis sedih, beliau berkata dalam sujudnya: ‘Duhai Tuhanku, Engkau adalah Waliku bagi umatku, maka perlakukan mereka sesuai sifat-Mu dan jangan perlakukan mereka sesuai perbuatan mereka.
“Ya Rasulullah, ayah dan ibuku menjadi tebusanmu. Apa gerangan yang terjadi, mengapa engkau begitu sedih?” kata Umar. Rasul menjawab, “Wahai Umar, dalam perjalananku ke rumah Aisyah sehabis mengerjakan sholat di mesjid, Jibril mendatangiku dan berkata, “Wahai Muhammad, Allah Yang Maha Benar mengucapkan salam kepadamu,” kemudian ia berkata, “Bacalah!” “Apa yang harus kubaca?” “Bacalah: “Maka datanglah sesudah mereka pengganti (yang jelek) yang menyia¬nyiakan sholat dan memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, mereka kelak akan menemui kesesatan.” (QS. Maryam, 19:59)
“Wahai Jibril, apakah sepeninggalku nanti umatku akan mengabaikan sholat?” ujar Rasulullah. “Benar, wahai Muhammad, kelak di akhir zaman akan datang sekelompok manusia dari umatmu yang mengabaikan sholat, mengakhirkan sholat (hingga keluar dari waktunya), dan memperturutkan hawa nafsu. Bagi mereka satu dinar (uang) lebih berharga daripada sholat.”
Tentang mengajak anak-anak ke masjid
segenap para imam muhadditsin melemahkan hadits ini.
- Imam Ibnu Mulqin mengatakan: “Hadits ini dhaif, dalam isnadnya terdapat Al Haarits bin Nabhan Al Bashriy Al Jurmiy.” (Al Badru Al Munir, 9/595)
- Imam Ibnu Rajab mengatakan: “Dhaif jiddan – sangat lemah”. (Fathul Bari, 2/567)
- Imam Ibnu Hajar mengatakan: “Dhaif. “ (Fathul Bari, 1/549)
- Imam As Sakhawi mengatakan: “Sanadnya dhaif.” (Al Maqashid Al Hasanah, Hal. 286)
- Imam Ibnul Jauzi mengatakan: “Tidak shahih.” (Khulashah Al Badr Al Munir, 2/429)
- Imam Ash Shan’ani mengatakan: “hadits ini dhaif.” (Subulus Salam, 1/156)
- Imam Badruddin Al ‘Aini mengatakan: “dhaif.” (‘Umdatul Qari, 7/77)
- Syaikh Abdul Muhsin Al ‘Abbad Al Badr mengatakan: “hadits ini dhaif.” (Syarh Sunan Abi Daud, 29/215)
- Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al ‘Utsaimin mengatakan: “Fahuwa dhaif.” (Syarh Riyadh Ash Shalihin, 1/266)
- Syaikh Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani mengatakan: “Dhaiful isnad Jiddan –isnadnya sangat lemah.” (Ishlahul Masajid, Hal. 110. Lihat juga Al Irwa’, 7/361, At Ta’liq Ar Raghib, 1/120-121, Al Ajwibah An Nafi’ah, Hal. 55)
- Imam Ibnu Hibban mengatakan: “Dia meriwayatkan hadits-hadits palsu.” (Al ‘Ilal Al Mutanahiyat, 1/403, No.677)
Dari Abu Qatadah Al Anshari Radhiallahu ‘Anhu, katanya:
Bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam dahulu shalat sambil menggendong Umamah -puteri dari Zainab binti Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam dan Abul ‘Ash bin Rabi’ah bin Abdisysyams- jika Beliau sujud, beliau meletakkan Umamah, dan jika dia bangun dia menggendongnya. (HR. Bukhari No. 516, Muslim No. 543)
Dari Amru bin Sulaim Az Zuraqiy, bahwa dia mendengar Abu Qatadah berkata: bahwa Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam sedang shalat sedangkan Umamah –anak puteri dari Zainab puteri Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam dan juga puteri dari Abu Al ‘Ash bin Ar Rabi’ bin Abdul ‘Uzza - berada di pundaknya, jika Beliau ruku anak itu diletakkan, dan jika bangun dari sujud diambil lagi dan diletakkan di atas pundaknya.
(HR. Ahmad No. 22589, An Nasa’i No. 827, Abdurrazzaq dalam Al Mushannaf No. 7827, dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih wa Dhaif Sunan An Nasa’i No. 827. Syaikh Syu’aib Al Arnauth juga menshahihkannya dalamTahqiq Musnad Ahmad No. 22589, dan Amru bin Sulaim mengatakan bahwa ini terjadi ketika shalat subuh)
Riwayat lainnya, Dari Abdullah bin Syadad, dari ayahnya, katanya:
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam keluar untuk shalat bersama kami untuk shalat siang (zhuhur atau ashar), dan dia sambil menggendong (hasan atau Husein), lalu Beliau maju ke depan dan anak itu di letakkannya kemudian bertakbir untuk shalat, maka dia shalat, lalu dia sujud dan sujudnya itu lama sekali.
Aku angkat kepalaku, kulihat anak itu berada di atas punggung Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, dan beliau sedang sujud, maka saya pun kembali sujud. Setelah shalat selesai, mereka berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah, tadi lama sekali Anda sujud, kami menyangka telah terjadi apa-apa, atau barangkali wahyu turun kepadamu?”
Beliau bersabda: “Semua itu tidak terjadi, hanya saja cucuku ini mengendarai punggungku, dan saya tidak mau memutuskannya dengan segera sampai dia puas.”
(HR. An Nasa’i No. 1141, dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih wa Dhaif Sunan An Nasa’i No. 1141)
Riwayat lain, dari Abu Qatadah Radhiallahu ‘Anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:
Saya mengimami dalam shalat dan hendak memanjangkan bacaannya, lalu saya mendengar tangisan anak-anak, maka saya ringankan shalat, aku tidak suka hal tsb membuat sulit ibunya. (HR. Bukhari No. 707)
Namun ada pendapat ulama, Syaikh Abdul Muhsin Al ‘Abbad Al Badr Hafizhahullah:
Jika membawa mereka menghasilkan kerusakan atau mudharat, maka hal itu -yakni menjauhkan mereka dari masjid, adalah diperintahkan, ]
ada pun jika tidak ada dampak apa-apa, maka sunah telah menunjukkan tentang kesertaan anak-anak menuju masjid. (Syarh Sunan Abi Daud, 29/216)
Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012
Tentang hukum nikah sirri (nikah sembunyi-sembunyi)
Hadits Rasulullah dijelaskan bahwa dari Amir Ibnu Abdullah Ibnu al-Zubair, dari ayahnya Radliyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda:
“Sebarkanlah kabar pernikahan....”
Riwayat Ahmad. Hadits shahih menurut Hakim.
Bahwa Nabi saw. melihat warna bekas wangian pengantin di tubuh Abdurrahman bin Auf, lalu beliau bertanya: Apakah ini? Abdurrahman menjawab: Wahai Rasulullah, sesungguhnya aku baru saja menikahi seorang wanita dengan mahar seharga lima dirham emas. Rasulullah saw. lalu bersabda: Semoga Allah memberkahimu dan rayakanlah (walimah) walaupun dengan seekor kambing. (Shahih Muslim No.2556)
Dari Rabi’ Ibnu Saburah, dari ayahnya Radliyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: "..............dan sesungguhnya Allah telah mengharamkan nikah mut'ah (kawin kontrak) hingga hari kiamat. maka barangsiapa yang masih mempunyai istri dari hasil nikah mut’ah, hendaknya ia membebaskannya dan jangan mengambil apapun yang telah kamu berikan padanya." Riwayat Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah, Ahmad, dan Ibnu Hibban.
Abu Hurairah ra juga meriwayatkan sebuah hadits, bahwasanya Rasulullah saw bersabda:
”Seorang wanita tidak boleh menikahkan wanita lainnya. Seorang wanita juga tidak berhak menikahkan dirinya sendiri. Sebab, sesungguhnya wanita pezina itu adalah (seorang wanita) yang menikahkan dirinya sendiri”. (HR Ibn Majah dan Ad Daruquthniy. Lihat, Imam Asy Syaukaniy, Nailul Authar VI: 231 hadits ke 2649)
Dari Buraidah bin Hushaib bertutur, ”Tatkala Ali melamar Fathimah r.anha, berkata, bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda, ”Sesungguhnya pada perkawinan harus diadakan walimah. (merayakan pernikahan agar masyarakat tahu)” (Shahih Jami’us Shaghir no:2419 dan al-Fathur Rabbani XVI:205 no:175).
Dari Anas r.a. berkata, ”Nabi saw. pernah menginap tiga hari di suatu tempat antara Khabir dan Madinah untuk menyelenggarakan perkawinan dengan Shafiyah binti Huyay. Kemudian aku mengundang kaum muslimin untuk menghadiri walimah Beliau. Dan tidak didapatkan dalam walimah tersebut ada roti ada daging, lalu diatasnya diletakkanlah korma kering dan minyak samin. Sehingga hidangan itu menjadi walimah Beliau.” (Muttafaqun ’alaih: Fathul Bari IX:224 no:1559 dan lafadz ini baginya, Imam Bukhari, Muslim II:1043 no:1365 dan Nasa’i VI:134).
“Sebarkanlah kabar pernikahan....”
Riwayat Ahmad. Hadits shahih menurut Hakim.
Bahwa Nabi saw. melihat warna bekas wangian pengantin di tubuh Abdurrahman bin Auf, lalu beliau bertanya: Apakah ini? Abdurrahman menjawab: Wahai Rasulullah, sesungguhnya aku baru saja menikahi seorang wanita dengan mahar seharga lima dirham emas. Rasulullah saw. lalu bersabda: Semoga Allah memberkahimu dan rayakanlah (walimah) walaupun dengan seekor kambing. (Shahih Muslim No.2556)
Dari Rabi’ Ibnu Saburah, dari ayahnya Radliyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam bersabda: "..............dan sesungguhnya Allah telah mengharamkan nikah mut'ah (kawin kontrak) hingga hari kiamat. maka barangsiapa yang masih mempunyai istri dari hasil nikah mut’ah, hendaknya ia membebaskannya dan jangan mengambil apapun yang telah kamu berikan padanya." Riwayat Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah, Ahmad, dan Ibnu Hibban.
Abu Hurairah ra juga meriwayatkan sebuah hadits, bahwasanya Rasulullah saw bersabda:
”Seorang wanita tidak boleh menikahkan wanita lainnya. Seorang wanita juga tidak berhak menikahkan dirinya sendiri. Sebab, sesungguhnya wanita pezina itu adalah (seorang wanita) yang menikahkan dirinya sendiri”. (HR Ibn Majah dan Ad Daruquthniy. Lihat, Imam Asy Syaukaniy, Nailul Authar VI: 231 hadits ke 2649)
Dari Buraidah bin Hushaib bertutur, ”Tatkala Ali melamar Fathimah r.anha, berkata, bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda, ”Sesungguhnya pada perkawinan harus diadakan walimah. (merayakan pernikahan agar masyarakat tahu)” (Shahih Jami’us Shaghir no:2419 dan al-Fathur Rabbani XVI:205 no:175).
Dari Anas r.a. berkata, ”Nabi saw. pernah menginap tiga hari di suatu tempat antara Khabir dan Madinah untuk menyelenggarakan perkawinan dengan Shafiyah binti Huyay. Kemudian aku mengundang kaum muslimin untuk menghadiri walimah Beliau. Dan tidak didapatkan dalam walimah tersebut ada roti ada daging, lalu diatasnya diletakkanlah korma kering dan minyak samin. Sehingga hidangan itu menjadi walimah Beliau.” (Muttafaqun ’alaih: Fathul Bari IX:224 no:1559 dan lafadz ini baginya, Imam Bukhari, Muslim II:1043 no:1365 dan Nasa’i VI:134).
Cara Rasulullah mandi junub (mandi wajib)
Dari Aisyah Radhiallohu ‘anha (Istri Rasululloh) ia berkata, “Rasululloh Shallallohu ‘alaihi wasallam apa bila mandi janabah/junub,
(Muttafaqun Alaihi/Hadits ini disepakati keshahihannya) [Lihat Shohih Bukhari: 262 dan Shohih Muslim: 316]
- beliau memulainya dengan membasuh kedua tangannya, beliau mendahulukan membasuh yang kanan kemudian yang kiri,
- lalu beliau membasuh kemaluan/farj,
- kemudian berwudhu’,
- kemudian mengambil air dan memasukkan jari jemarinya ke pangkal-pangkal rambutnya, kemudian beliau menyiram kepalanya dengan tiga kali siraman,
- kemudian beliau membasahi/mengguyur seluruh tubuhnya, dan terakhir beliau membasuh kedua kakinya.”
(Muttafaqun Alaihi/Hadits ini disepakati keshahihannya) [Lihat Shohih Bukhari: 262 dan Shohih Muslim: 316]
Jumat, 25 Mei 2012
Tulisan ahli kesehatan Dr KELLOGG M.D. (Corn Flake) tentang babi dan bahaya mengkonsumsinya
Di dalam Al-Quran, Allah SWT berfirman, ”Sesungguhnya Allah hanya mengharamkan bagimu bangkai, daging babi, dan binatang yang ( ketika disembelih ) disebut ( nama ) selain Allah.” ( QS Al-Baqarah : 173 ). Juga firman-firman-Nya pada surat al-Maidah ayat 3, al-An’am ayat 140 dan surat an-Nahl ayat 115
Lalu lihat artikel seorang ahli kesehatan dan nutrisi J. H. KELLOGG M.D yang juga dikenal sebagai pengembang makanan cereal (corn flakes) yang sekarang mendunia
(Maaf tidak sempat untuk terjemah, tapi silahkan pakai fasilitas terjemah di http://translate.google.co.id/ )
John Harvey Kellogg was born in Livingston County, Michigan, to John P. Kellogg, a prominent member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Growing up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, J.H. Kellogg was, quite naturally, interested in proper diet and health. This interest would not only lead to a degree in medicine, but a desire to travel around the world to learn from the best medical men of the day. But J.H. Kellogg developed another keen interest: he shunned many of the medical remedies of the time and sought to find natural cures for man s ills. This, in turn, led to his understanding about preventive medicine. His unique program of preventive medicine and natural cures soon made Dr. Kellogg quite famous around the world: "Rich and poor, high and low, including royalty, came from far and near to be treated by him."1
Besides his advocacy of natural cures, Dr. Kellogg promoted vegetarianism. This led to his development of the corn flake and other breakfast cereals that still bear his name. "In addition to being an able physician and a famous surgeon he was also a great writer. He wrote more than 50 books, most of them large scientific works . . . He was also an interesting instructive lecturer on health and temperance and a good preacher."2
As a lifelong seventh-day Sabbath-keeper, Dr. Kellogg was well acquainted with the Old Testament and undoubtedly took very seriously the admonition of God not to eat pork. Additionally, he obviously understood the old addage that "you are what you eat." After reading the results of Dr. Kellogg s research, few thinking individuals would want to have pig meat as a part of their bodies!3
Pork-raising has come to be one of the great industries of this country; and since the supply is wholly regulated by the demand, it may be taken as a proper index of the prodigious quantities of swine s flesh which are daily required to satisfy the gustatory demands of the American people. No other kind of animal food is so largely used as pork in its various forms of preparation. The Yankee makes his Sunday breakfast of pork and beans, while the same article is a prominent constituent of at least two meals each day during the remainder of the week. Pork and hominy is almost the sole element of the Texan farmer; while in the Western States pork and potatoes constitute the most substantial portion of the farmer s bill of fare. The accompanying dish may be hominy, beans, or potatoes, but the main reliance is pork in each case.
In the case of no other animal is so large a portion of the dead carcass utilized as food. It seems to be considered that pork is such a delicacy that not a particle should be wasted. The fat and lean portions are eaten fresh, or carefully preserved by salting or smoking, or both. The tail is roasted; the snout, ears, and feet are pickled and eaten as souse; the intestine and lungs are eaten as tripe or made into sausages; black pudding is made of the blood; the liver, spleen, and kidneys are also prized; the pancreas and other glands are considered great delicacies; while even the skin is made into jelly. In fact, nothing is left of the beast, not even the bristles, which the shoemaker claims. Surely it must be quite an important matter, and one well deserving attention, if it can be shown that an animal which is thus literally devoured, and that in such immense quantities, is not only unfit for food, but one of the prime causes of many loathsome and painful maladies. Let us examine the hog a little, and see what can be determined respecting his real nature, and his office in the economy of nature, if he has any.
A Live Hog Examined
Look at that object in a filthy mud hole by the roadside. At first, you distinguish nothing but a pile of black, slimy mud. The dirty mass moves! You think of a reptile, a turtle, some uncouth monster, reveling his Stygian filth. A grunt! The mystery is solved. The sound betrays a hog. You avert your face and hasten by, sickened with disgust. Stop, friend, admire your savory ham, your souse, your tripe, your toothsome sausage in its native element. A dainty beast, isn t he!
Gaze over into that sty, our pork-eating friend. Have you done so before? And would you prefer to be excused? Quite likely; but we will show you a dozen things you did not observe before. See the contented brute quietly reposing in the augmented filth of his own ordure! He seems to feel quite at home, doesn t he? Look a little sharper, and scrutinize his skin. Is it smooth and healthy? Not exactly so. So obscured is it by tetter, and scurf, and mange, that you almost expect to see the rotten mass drop off as the grunting creature rubs it against any projecting corner which may furnish him a convenient scratching-place. As you glance around the pen, you observe that all such conveniences have been utilized until they are worn so smooth as to be almost inefficient.
Rouse the beast, and make him show his gait. See how he rolls along, a mountain of fat. If he were human, he would be advised to chew tobacco for his obesity, and would be expected to drop off any day of heart disease. And so he will do, unless the butcher forestalls nature by a few days. Indeed, not long ago a stout neighbor of his was quietly taking his breakfast from his trough, grunting his infinite satisfaction, when, without a moment s warning or a single premonitory symptom, his heart ceased to beat, and he instantly expired without finishing his meal, much to the disappointment of his owner, who was anticipating the pleasure of quietly executing him a few hours later, and serving him up to his pork-loving patrons. Suppose his death had been delayed a few hours, or rather, suppose the butcher had got the start of nature a little, as he generally contrives to do!
But we have not yet finished the examination of our hog. If you can possibly prevail upon yourself to sacrifice your taste in the cause of science, pork-loving friend, just clamber over into the reeking sty, and take a nearer view of the animal that is destined to delight the palates of some of your friends, perhaps your own. Make him straighten out his fore legs. Now observe closely. Do you see the open sore or issue, a few inches above his foot on the inner side? Do you say it is a mere accidental abrasion? Find the same on the other leg; it is rather a wise and wonderful provision of nature. Grasp the leg high up and press downward. Now you see its utility, as a mass of corruption pours out. That opening is the outlet of a sewer. Yes, a scrofulous sewer; and hence the offensive, ichorous matter which discharges from it. Should you fill a syringe with mercury or some colored injecting fluid, and drive the contents into this same opening, you would be able to trace all through the body of the animal little pipes communicating with it.
What must be the condition of the body of an animal so foul as to require a regular system of drainage to convey away its teeming filth? Sometimes the outlet gets closed by the accumulation of external filth. Then the ichorous stream ceases to flow, and the animal quickly sickens and dies unless the owner cleanses the parts, and so opens anew the feculent fountain, and allows the festering poison to escape.
What dainty morsels those same feet and legs make! What a delicate flavor they have, as every epicure asserts! Do you suppose the corruption with which they are saturated has any influence upon their taste and healthfulness?
Perhaps you are thoroughly disgusted now, and would like to leave the scene. Pause a moment. Now let us look at the inside of this wonderfully delicious beast!
A Dead Hog Examined
Do you imagine that the repulsiveness of this loathsome creature is only on the outside? That within everything is pure and wholesome? Vain delusion! Sickening, disgusting, as is the exterior, it is, in comparison with what it covers, a fair cloak, hiding a mass of disease and rottenness which grows more superlatively filthy as we penetrate deeper and deeper beneath the skin.
What Is Lard?
Just under the foul and putrid skin we find a mass of fat from two to six inches in thickness, covering a large portion of the body. Now what is this? Lard, says one; animal oil; an excellent thing for consumptives; a very necessary kind of food in cold weather. Lard, animal oil, very truly; and, we will add a synonym for disease, scrofula, torpid liver.
Where did all that fat come from, or how happened it to be so heaped up around that poor hog? Surely it is not natural; for fat is only deposited in large quantities for the purpose of keeping the body warm in winter. This fat is much more than is necessary for such a purpose, and is much greater in amount than ever exists upon the animal in a state of nature. It is evidently the result of disease. So gross have been the habits of the animal, so great has been the foulness of its body, that its excretory organs--its liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, and intestines--have been entirely unable to carry away the impurities which the animal has been all its life accumulating. And even the extensive system of sewerage with its constant stream, which we have already described, was insufficient to the task of purging so vile a body of the debris which abounded in every organ and saturated every tissue. Consequently this great flood of disease, which made its way through the veins and arteries into the tissues, and there accumulated as fat! Delectable morsel, a slice of fat pork, isn t it? Concentrated, consolidated filth!
Then the fatter the hog, the more diseased he is? Certainly. A few years ago, there were on exhibition at the great cattle show in England a couple of hogs which had been stuffed with oil cake until they were the greatest monsters of obesity ever exhibited. Of course they took the first premium; and if a premium had been awarded to the animals which were capable of producing the most disease, it is quite probable that they would have headed the list still.
Lard, then, obtained from the flesh of the hog by heating, is nothing more than extract of a diseased carcass! Who that knows its character would dare to defile himself with this "broth of abominable things?"
Disgusting Developments
Now let us take a little deeper look, prepared to find disease and corruption more abundant the deeper we go. Observe the glands which lie about the neck. Instead of being of their ordinary size, and composed of ordinary gland structure, we find them surrounded by large masses of scrofulous tissue. Perhaps tuberculosis degeneration had already taken place. If so, the soft, cheesy, infectious mass is ready to sow broadcast the seeds of consumption and premature death. For, according to some excellent authorities, tuberculosis disease is capable of communication by means of tubercles. If the animal is of sufficient age, the further process of ulceration will have occurred.
Now take a deeper look still, and examine the lungs of this much-prized animal. If he is more than a few months old, you will be likely to find large numbers of tubercles. If he is much more than a year old, you will be more likely than not to find a portion of the lung completely consolidated. Yet all of this filthy, diseased mass is cooked as a delicious morsel, and served up to satisfy fastidious tastes. If the animal had escaped the butcher s knife a few years, he would have died of tuberculosis consumption.
But what kind of a liver would you expect such an animal to have? Is not excessive fatness one of the surest evidences of a diseased and inactive liver? infallible! Then a fat hog must have a dreadfully diseased bile manufactory. Make a cut into its substance. In seventy-five cases out of a hundred you will find it filled with abscesses. In a larger percentage still will be found the same diseased products which seem to infest every organ, every tissue, every structure of the animal. Yet these same rotten, diseased, scrofulous livers are eaten and relished by thousands of people who cannot express their contempt for the Frenchman who eats a horse or the China man who dines upon fricasseed puppy.
Now just glance at the remaining contents of the abdomen. In every part you notice evidences, unmistakable, of scrofula, fatty degeneration, and tuberculosis masses.
Where Scrofula Comes From
The word scrofula is derived from the Latin scrofu, which means a sow. The ancient Romans evidently believed that scrofula originated with the hog, and hence they attached the name of the beast to the disease. Saying that a man has scrofula, then, is equivalent to saying that he has the hog disease. After we have seen that the hog is the very embodiment of scrofulous disease, can any one doubt the accuracy of the conclusion of the Romans who named the disease?
Origin of the Tapeworm
We shall attempt to trace the history of this horrid parasite only so far as concerns its introduction into the human system.
With this end in view, let us glance again at the diseased liver. It will be no uncommon thing if we discover numberless little sacs, or cysts, about the size of a hemp seed. These do not present a very formidable appearance, certainly; but as soon as they are taken into the human stomach, the gastric juice dissolves off the membranous sac, and liberates a minute animal, which had been lurking there for months, perhaps, awaiting this very opportunity. This creature, although very small, is furnished with a head and four suckers, attach themselves firmly to the wall of the intestine, and the parasite begins to grow. In a short time an addition to its body is produced posteriorly, attached like a joint. Soon a duplicate of this appears, and then another, and another, until the body attains a length of several yards. Not infrequently tapeworms measuring thirty to one hundred feet in length are found in the intestines of human beings.
Under some circumstances the eggs of the tapeworm find entrance into the body, when the disease is developed in another form. The embryonic worms consist of a pair of hooklets so shaped that a twisting motion will cause them to penetrate the tissues after the fashion of a corkscrew. Countless numbers of these may be taken into the system, since a single tapeworm has been found to produce more than two million eggs. By the boring motion referred to, which seems to be spontaneous in the young worm, the parasites penetrate into every part of the body. Penetrating the walls of the blood vessels, they are swept along in the life-current, thus finding their way even to the most delicate structures of the human system. They have been found in all the organs of the body, even the brain and the delicate organs of vision not escaping the depredations of this destructive parasite.
When this lively migrating germ gets fully settled in the tissues, it becomes enveloped in a little cell, and remains quiet until taken into the stomach of some other animal, when it is liberated, and speedily develops into a full-grown tapeworm, as already described. But although quiet, the imprisoned parasite is by no means harmless. The cysts formed often attain such a size as to endanger life. When developed in the eye, they occasion blindness; in the lungs or other organs, they interfere with the proper functions of the organs; in the liver, which is the frequent rendezvous of these destructive creatures, a most serious and fatal disease known as hydatids is occasioned by the extraordinary development of the cysts, which are originally not larger than a pea, but by excessive growth assume enormous proportions. The same disease may occur in any other part of the body in which the germs undergo development.
The germs of these dreadful animals are found not only in the liver, but in other organs as well. Pork containing them is said to be "measly." Sometimes the condition is discovered; but that such is not always the case is evidenced by the fact that tapeworm is every year becoming more frequent. It has long been common in Germany. In Iceland it has become extremely common. In Abyssinia the occurrence of the worm has become so frequent, owing to the bad dietetic habits of the people, that it has been said that every Abyssinian has a tapeworm. In this country the parasite is most common among butchers and cooks.
Some time since, we received from a friend in the South a specimen of pork which was so densely peopled with the germs of this dreadful parasite that every cubic inch of flesh contained more than a score of them. The writer has in his microscopical cabinet specimens of the embryonic worms taken from hydatid tumors of the liver of a patient who died of the disease in Bellevue Hospital, New York.
The poor victim who is forced to entertain this unwelcome guest suffers untold agonies, and finally dies, if he cannot succeed in dislodging the parasite.
The Terrible Trichina
Now, my friend, assist your eyesight by a good microscope, and you will be convinced that you have only just caught a glimpse of the enormous filthiness, the inherent badness, and the intrinsic ugliness of this loathsome animal. Take a thin slice of lean flesh; place it upon the stage of your microscope, adjust the eyepiece, and look. You will see displayed before your eyes hundreds of voracious little animals, each coiled up in its little cell, waiting for an opportunity to escape from its prison walls and begin its destined work of devastation.
An eminent gentleman in Louisville has made very extensive researches upon the subject, and asserts that in at least one hog out of every ten these creatures may be found. A committee appointed by the Chicago Academy of Medicine to investigate this subject reported that they found in their examinations at the various packing-houses in the city, one hog in fifty infested with trichina. Other investigations have shown a still greater frequency of the disease.
A few years ago I obtained a small portion of the flesh of a person who had died from trichina poisoning. Upon subjecting it to a careful microscopical examination with a good instrument, I discovered multitudes of little worms. Each individual presented the appearance shown in the accompanying accurate engraving. The animal is there seen enclosed in a little cyst, or sac, which is dissolved by the gastric juice when taken into the stomach. The parasite, being thus set at liberty, immediately penetrates the thin muscular walls of the stomach, and gradually works its way through the whole muscular system. It possesses the power of propagating its species with wonderful rapidity; and a person once infected is almost certain to die a lingering death of excruciating agony.
In Helmstadt, Prussia, one hundred and three persons were poisoned in this way, and twenty of them died within a month.
It is doubtless not known how many deaths are really due to this cause; for many persons die of strange, unknown diseases, which baffle the doctors skill both as to cure and diagnosis. Trichinosis very much resembles various other diseases in some of its stages, and is likely to be attributed to other than its true cause. It is thought by prominent medical men that hundreds of people die of the disease without suspecting its true nature.
Pork Unclean
Have we not seen that a hog is nothing better than an animated mass of physical defilement? Few who have seen the animal will dispute that his filthiness is a most patent fact. How wise and sanitary, then, was the command of God to the ancient Jews: "It is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh nor touch their dead carcass."
Although it may not be said that this law still exists, and is binding as a moral obligation, it is quite plain that the physical basis upon which the law is founded is as good today as at any previous period. Could it be proved that the hog had kept pace with advancing civilization, and had improved his habits, we might possibly feel more tolerance for him; but he is evidently just as unclean as ever, and just as unfit for food.
Adam Clarke, when once requested to give thanks at a repast of which pork constituted a conspicuous part, used the following words: "Lord, bless this bread, these vegetables, and this fruit; and if thou canst bless under the gospel what thou didst curse under the law, bless this swine s flesh."
The Mohammedans, as well as the Jews, abstain entirely from the use of pork. Such is also the case with some of the other tribes of Asia and Africa.
Evil Effects of Pork-Eating
At the head of the list we place scrofula. How almost universally it abounds. How few are entirely untainted by it. How do chronic sore eyes, glandular enlargements, obstinate ulcers, disfigured countenances, unsightly eruptions, including the long list of skin diseases, all proclaim the defilement of the blood with this vile humor. So, too, do the vast army of dwarfed, strumose, precocious children tell the same story.
Erysipelas, too, a dreadful scourge, owes more to pork than to any other predisposing cause.
Leprosy, that terrible disease, so common in Eastern countries, and now beginning to show itself upon our own shores, is thought by many to be largely attributable to pork-eating.
"Biliousness," a name which covers nearly every bad condition for which no appropriate name can be found, is notoriously the result of pork-eating. This is the main reason why so many people complain of biliousness in the spring, after gorging themselves with fat pork all winter. The liver is overworked in attempting to remove from the system such a mass of impurity as is received in the eating of pork. It consequently becomes clogged, congested, torpid. Then follow all the ills consequent upon the irritating effects of the accumulation of biliary matters in the blood. The skin becomes tawny and jaundiced. The kidneys are overworked. Perhaps fever results. A partial clearing out then occurs, which enables the individual to pass along for a time again until some epidemic or contagious disease claims him as its lawful victim.
Consumption is another disease which is not easily separable from pork-eating. In fact, scrofula is its great predisposing cause. The narrow chests, projecting shoulders, thin features, and lank limbs of so many young boys and girls are evidence of a consumptive tendency, of which a scrofulous diathesis is the predisposing cause.
Dispepsia, that malady of many forms, frequently results from the use of pork, especially when fat and salted or smoked pork, one of the most indigestible of foods, is used. Pork requires between five and six hours for its digestion, while wholesome food will digest in half that time. This is the reason for the notion that salt pork is an excellent thing to "stick by the rib."
Tapeworm, we have already mentioned as the result of eating measly pork. It is a very difficult disease to cure, and often baffles the best medical skill for many years. Few ever detect the cysts in the flesh of the hog unless their attention has been directed to the matter.
Trichinae produce in man an incurable disease. No remedy can stay the ravages of the parasite. All pork-eaters are in constant danger; for the worm is too small to be seen without the aid of the microscope. However, this disease is not nearly so formidable as the others named; for it is not so common, neither does it entail any weight of suffering upon posterity.
Apologies For Pork-Eating Examined
On every hand we are met by all sorts of excuses for continuing to make swine s flesh an article of diet in spite of the striking evidences of its dangerous character. Let us examine a few of the most common of these apologies, and test their value.
Pork is Necessary as a Heat-forming Food in Winter Are there not plenty of more healthful animals than hogs to supply all the animal fat necessary? Certainly there are; and, better still, we have the various grains and farinaceaous vegetables, which are abundantly sufficient to furnish all the heat required by man in any latitude.
Our Fathers and Grandfathers Ate Pork, and yet Lived to very Old Age Ah! yes, my good friend, and you are suffering the penalty of their transgressions. You may not be aware of it yet; but more than likely your old age will not be so free from ills as was theirs. And quite as probably you may even now see in your children the results of your own, as well as your fathers, disregard of the dictates of sound sense in feasting upon the hog. Their frequent sore eyes, sore mouths, tetter, crysipelas, and other eruptions, are all evidences of the scrofula which they have inherited.
Neither can you urge the plea, "Pork does not hurt me." No man ever became a drunkard who did not make the same excuse for liquor. You may not feel it now; but the future will expose your delusion.
The Hog is Cleanly if You Give Him a Chance to Be so It is surprising to us that any one who knows anything of the real nature of a hog can make such an assertion. Who has not seen hogs wallowing in the foulest mire right in the middle of a green, fragrant clover pasture? The dirty creature will turn away from the nicest bed of straw to revel in a stagnant, seething mud hole. If one of his companions dies in the lot or pen, he will wait until putrefaction occurs, and then greedily devour the stinking carcass. The filthy brute will even devour his own excrement, and that when not unusually pressed by hunger.
The hog is by nature a scavenger, and is especially adapted for that purpose. Let him pursue his natural hunger.
Sufficient Heat Will Kill the Trichinae and Incipient Tapeworms Surely, dead worms cannot kill any one; but it must be delightful for the pork-eater to contemplate his ham or sausage with the reflection that he is partaking of a diet of worms. The Frenchman sometimes eats earthworms; the African relishes lizards; and one philosopher so far overcame his natural prejudices as to eat spiders. "How disgusting!" you say, and you shut your eyes and swallow a million monsters at a meal, because they are cooked and so cannot bite. The louse-eating Patagonian cannot equal that. But it should be remembered that in order that the parasite should be killed, every part of the meat must be subjected to a heat of at least 2l2 which is quite difficult to do, and is seldom accomplished. A whole family was poisoned by eating pork-chops, which were well cooked upon the outside.
What Shall We Do With the Hog?
Stop raising him. Turn him loose. He will soon find his place, like the five thousand which ran down into the sea in the days of Christ. If he must be raised, use him for illuminating our halls and houses. Lubricate our car and wagon with his abundant fat. Do anything with him but eat him. It would be dangerous to adopt the principle that we must devour everything which is in the way, or which cannot be otherwise utilized. Adam Clarke thought of one appropriate use to make of the hog. He said that if he was going to make an offering to the devil, he would employ a hog stuffed with tobacco.
Reader, what will you do? Can you continue to use as food such an abominable article as pork, and in so doing run so many risks as you must do? And if you decide that the animal is unfit to claim a place upon your own table, can you conscientiously raise and sell him to your neighbors injury?
Cases of Trichina Poisoning
The reported cases of death from this terrible cause have become so frequent that we are no longer startled by them. Ten years ago the description of the death of a person literally infested with worms, and tortured to death by their inroads upon the system, would have excited feelings of the deepest horror; but these accounts have now become so common that little interest is shown in them, and death from this cause is one of the regular causes of additions to the mortuary list. Nevertheless, the disease is divested of none of its real horrors by its common occurrence. No one is safe; any one who uses swine s flesh as food in any form is liable to the disease. Salting, smoking, and the other ordinary means of curing pork do not destroy the parasite.
A few years ago, Dr. Germer, health officer of Erie, Pa., was sent for in haste to see a patient who was supposed to be suffering from the cholera. He hastened to the bedside, and found a whole family sick with the symptoms much resembling those of cholera, though the season was then midwinter. Suspecting the possible cause, he secured a specimen from the pork barrel, and hastened to his office. Upon making a careful microscopic examination, he found myriads of the loathsome parasites in every part of the flesh examined. The writer prepared numerous microscopic specimens of the worm in various aspects from a portion of the infected meat kindly furnished by the doctor. These have been shown to hundreds of persons who were skeptical respecting the existence of such a pest.
In this case the hog had been fattened on the premises, having been purchased when quite young by the owner, a German, from a drove of hogs which passed through the city. It was known that, previous to the purchase of the hog, two of the drove had died on the road, and had been devoured by their scavenger companions. No doubt the deaths were the result of trichinosis; and by devouring the victims the whole herd became infected. It would be difficult to estimate what an amount of suffering and death was entailed by the consumption of this great herd of trichinous hogs. Several members of the German family died, together with several of the neighbors. Those who survived the acute stages of the disease escaped only to linger out a painful existence in the chronic and incurable state of the malady.
Some three years later the writer received a specimen of pork from a gentleman in Wisconsin who requested an examination of the same, stating that he procured it from the pork barrel of a neighbor whose family were suffering from a disease which the doctors called cholera infantum. Several of the children had died, and other members of the family were still dangerously ill. The pork had been suspected and examined, but no trichinae were found by the observers, though several physicians had inspected it. Upon making a careful microscopical inspection of the specimen, it was found to be alive with young trichinae.
Lalu lihat artikel seorang ahli kesehatan dan nutrisi J. H. KELLOGG M.D yang juga dikenal sebagai pengembang makanan cereal (corn flakes) yang sekarang mendunia
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John Harvey Kellogg was born in Livingston County, Michigan, to John P. Kellogg, a prominent member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Growing up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, J.H. Kellogg was, quite naturally, interested in proper diet and health. This interest would not only lead to a degree in medicine, but a desire to travel around the world to learn from the best medical men of the day. But J.H. Kellogg developed another keen interest: he shunned many of the medical remedies of the time and sought to find natural cures for man s ills. This, in turn, led to his understanding about preventive medicine. His unique program of preventive medicine and natural cures soon made Dr. Kellogg quite famous around the world: "Rich and poor, high and low, including royalty, came from far and near to be treated by him."1
Besides his advocacy of natural cures, Dr. Kellogg promoted vegetarianism. This led to his development of the corn flake and other breakfast cereals that still bear his name. "In addition to being an able physician and a famous surgeon he was also a great writer. He wrote more than 50 books, most of them large scientific works . . . He was also an interesting instructive lecturer on health and temperance and a good preacher."2
As a lifelong seventh-day Sabbath-keeper, Dr. Kellogg was well acquainted with the Old Testament and undoubtedly took very seriously the admonition of God not to eat pork. Additionally, he obviously understood the old addage that "you are what you eat." After reading the results of Dr. Kellogg s research, few thinking individuals would want to have pig meat as a part of their bodies!3
Pork-raising has come to be one of the great industries of this country; and since the supply is wholly regulated by the demand, it may be taken as a proper index of the prodigious quantities of swine s flesh which are daily required to satisfy the gustatory demands of the American people. No other kind of animal food is so largely used as pork in its various forms of preparation. The Yankee makes his Sunday breakfast of pork and beans, while the same article is a prominent constituent of at least two meals each day during the remainder of the week. Pork and hominy is almost the sole element of the Texan farmer; while in the Western States pork and potatoes constitute the most substantial portion of the farmer s bill of fare. The accompanying dish may be hominy, beans, or potatoes, but the main reliance is pork in each case.
In the case of no other animal is so large a portion of the dead carcass utilized as food. It seems to be considered that pork is such a delicacy that not a particle should be wasted. The fat and lean portions are eaten fresh, or carefully preserved by salting or smoking, or both. The tail is roasted; the snout, ears, and feet are pickled and eaten as souse; the intestine and lungs are eaten as tripe or made into sausages; black pudding is made of the blood; the liver, spleen, and kidneys are also prized; the pancreas and other glands are considered great delicacies; while even the skin is made into jelly. In fact, nothing is left of the beast, not even the bristles, which the shoemaker claims. Surely it must be quite an important matter, and one well deserving attention, if it can be shown that an animal which is thus literally devoured, and that in such immense quantities, is not only unfit for food, but one of the prime causes of many loathsome and painful maladies. Let us examine the hog a little, and see what can be determined respecting his real nature, and his office in the economy of nature, if he has any.
A Live Hog Examined
Look at that object in a filthy mud hole by the roadside. At first, you distinguish nothing but a pile of black, slimy mud. The dirty mass moves! You think of a reptile, a turtle, some uncouth monster, reveling his Stygian filth. A grunt! The mystery is solved. The sound betrays a hog. You avert your face and hasten by, sickened with disgust. Stop, friend, admire your savory ham, your souse, your tripe, your toothsome sausage in its native element. A dainty beast, isn t he!
Gaze over into that sty, our pork-eating friend. Have you done so before? And would you prefer to be excused? Quite likely; but we will show you a dozen things you did not observe before. See the contented brute quietly reposing in the augmented filth of his own ordure! He seems to feel quite at home, doesn t he? Look a little sharper, and scrutinize his skin. Is it smooth and healthy? Not exactly so. So obscured is it by tetter, and scurf, and mange, that you almost expect to see the rotten mass drop off as the grunting creature rubs it against any projecting corner which may furnish him a convenient scratching-place. As you glance around the pen, you observe that all such conveniences have been utilized until they are worn so smooth as to be almost inefficient.
Rouse the beast, and make him show his gait. See how he rolls along, a mountain of fat. If he were human, he would be advised to chew tobacco for his obesity, and would be expected to drop off any day of heart disease. And so he will do, unless the butcher forestalls nature by a few days. Indeed, not long ago a stout neighbor of his was quietly taking his breakfast from his trough, grunting his infinite satisfaction, when, without a moment s warning or a single premonitory symptom, his heart ceased to beat, and he instantly expired without finishing his meal, much to the disappointment of his owner, who was anticipating the pleasure of quietly executing him a few hours later, and serving him up to his pork-loving patrons. Suppose his death had been delayed a few hours, or rather, suppose the butcher had got the start of nature a little, as he generally contrives to do!
But we have not yet finished the examination of our hog. If you can possibly prevail upon yourself to sacrifice your taste in the cause of science, pork-loving friend, just clamber over into the reeking sty, and take a nearer view of the animal that is destined to delight the palates of some of your friends, perhaps your own. Make him straighten out his fore legs. Now observe closely. Do you see the open sore or issue, a few inches above his foot on the inner side? Do you say it is a mere accidental abrasion? Find the same on the other leg; it is rather a wise and wonderful provision of nature. Grasp the leg high up and press downward. Now you see its utility, as a mass of corruption pours out. That opening is the outlet of a sewer. Yes, a scrofulous sewer; and hence the offensive, ichorous matter which discharges from it. Should you fill a syringe with mercury or some colored injecting fluid, and drive the contents into this same opening, you would be able to trace all through the body of the animal little pipes communicating with it.
What must be the condition of the body of an animal so foul as to require a regular system of drainage to convey away its teeming filth? Sometimes the outlet gets closed by the accumulation of external filth. Then the ichorous stream ceases to flow, and the animal quickly sickens and dies unless the owner cleanses the parts, and so opens anew the feculent fountain, and allows the festering poison to escape.
What dainty morsels those same feet and legs make! What a delicate flavor they have, as every epicure asserts! Do you suppose the corruption with which they are saturated has any influence upon their taste and healthfulness?
Perhaps you are thoroughly disgusted now, and would like to leave the scene. Pause a moment. Now let us look at the inside of this wonderfully delicious beast!
A Dead Hog Examined
Do you imagine that the repulsiveness of this loathsome creature is only on the outside? That within everything is pure and wholesome? Vain delusion! Sickening, disgusting, as is the exterior, it is, in comparison with what it covers, a fair cloak, hiding a mass of disease and rottenness which grows more superlatively filthy as we penetrate deeper and deeper beneath the skin.
What Is Lard?
Just under the foul and putrid skin we find a mass of fat from two to six inches in thickness, covering a large portion of the body. Now what is this? Lard, says one; animal oil; an excellent thing for consumptives; a very necessary kind of food in cold weather. Lard, animal oil, very truly; and, we will add a synonym for disease, scrofula, torpid liver.
Where did all that fat come from, or how happened it to be so heaped up around that poor hog? Surely it is not natural; for fat is only deposited in large quantities for the purpose of keeping the body warm in winter. This fat is much more than is necessary for such a purpose, and is much greater in amount than ever exists upon the animal in a state of nature. It is evidently the result of disease. So gross have been the habits of the animal, so great has been the foulness of its body, that its excretory organs--its liver, lungs, kidneys, skin, and intestines--have been entirely unable to carry away the impurities which the animal has been all its life accumulating. And even the extensive system of sewerage with its constant stream, which we have already described, was insufficient to the task of purging so vile a body of the debris which abounded in every organ and saturated every tissue. Consequently this great flood of disease, which made its way through the veins and arteries into the tissues, and there accumulated as fat! Delectable morsel, a slice of fat pork, isn t it? Concentrated, consolidated filth!
Then the fatter the hog, the more diseased he is? Certainly. A few years ago, there were on exhibition at the great cattle show in England a couple of hogs which had been stuffed with oil cake until they were the greatest monsters of obesity ever exhibited. Of course they took the first premium; and if a premium had been awarded to the animals which were capable of producing the most disease, it is quite probable that they would have headed the list still.
Lard, then, obtained from the flesh of the hog by heating, is nothing more than extract of a diseased carcass! Who that knows its character would dare to defile himself with this "broth of abominable things?"
Disgusting Developments
Now let us take a little deeper look, prepared to find disease and corruption more abundant the deeper we go. Observe the glands which lie about the neck. Instead of being of their ordinary size, and composed of ordinary gland structure, we find them surrounded by large masses of scrofulous tissue. Perhaps tuberculosis degeneration had already taken place. If so, the soft, cheesy, infectious mass is ready to sow broadcast the seeds of consumption and premature death. For, according to some excellent authorities, tuberculosis disease is capable of communication by means of tubercles. If the animal is of sufficient age, the further process of ulceration will have occurred.
Now take a deeper look still, and examine the lungs of this much-prized animal. If he is more than a few months old, you will be likely to find large numbers of tubercles. If he is much more than a year old, you will be more likely than not to find a portion of the lung completely consolidated. Yet all of this filthy, diseased mass is cooked as a delicious morsel, and served up to satisfy fastidious tastes. If the animal had escaped the butcher s knife a few years, he would have died of tuberculosis consumption.
But what kind of a liver would you expect such an animal to have? Is not excessive fatness one of the surest evidences of a diseased and inactive liver? infallible! Then a fat hog must have a dreadfully diseased bile manufactory. Make a cut into its substance. In seventy-five cases out of a hundred you will find it filled with abscesses. In a larger percentage still will be found the same diseased products which seem to infest every organ, every tissue, every structure of the animal. Yet these same rotten, diseased, scrofulous livers are eaten and relished by thousands of people who cannot express their contempt for the Frenchman who eats a horse or the China man who dines upon fricasseed puppy.
Now just glance at the remaining contents of the abdomen. In every part you notice evidences, unmistakable, of scrofula, fatty degeneration, and tuberculosis masses.
Where Scrofula Comes From
The word scrofula is derived from the Latin scrofu, which means a sow. The ancient Romans evidently believed that scrofula originated with the hog, and hence they attached the name of the beast to the disease. Saying that a man has scrofula, then, is equivalent to saying that he has the hog disease. After we have seen that the hog is the very embodiment of scrofulous disease, can any one doubt the accuracy of the conclusion of the Romans who named the disease?
Origin of the Tapeworm
We shall attempt to trace the history of this horrid parasite only so far as concerns its introduction into the human system.
With this end in view, let us glance again at the diseased liver. It will be no uncommon thing if we discover numberless little sacs, or cysts, about the size of a hemp seed. These do not present a very formidable appearance, certainly; but as soon as they are taken into the human stomach, the gastric juice dissolves off the membranous sac, and liberates a minute animal, which had been lurking there for months, perhaps, awaiting this very opportunity. This creature, although very small, is furnished with a head and four suckers, attach themselves firmly to the wall of the intestine, and the parasite begins to grow. In a short time an addition to its body is produced posteriorly, attached like a joint. Soon a duplicate of this appears, and then another, and another, until the body attains a length of several yards. Not infrequently tapeworms measuring thirty to one hundred feet in length are found in the intestines of human beings.
Under some circumstances the eggs of the tapeworm find entrance into the body, when the disease is developed in another form. The embryonic worms consist of a pair of hooklets so shaped that a twisting motion will cause them to penetrate the tissues after the fashion of a corkscrew. Countless numbers of these may be taken into the system, since a single tapeworm has been found to produce more than two million eggs. By the boring motion referred to, which seems to be spontaneous in the young worm, the parasites penetrate into every part of the body. Penetrating the walls of the blood vessels, they are swept along in the life-current, thus finding their way even to the most delicate structures of the human system. They have been found in all the organs of the body, even the brain and the delicate organs of vision not escaping the depredations of this destructive parasite.
When this lively migrating germ gets fully settled in the tissues, it becomes enveloped in a little cell, and remains quiet until taken into the stomach of some other animal, when it is liberated, and speedily develops into a full-grown tapeworm, as already described. But although quiet, the imprisoned parasite is by no means harmless. The cysts formed often attain such a size as to endanger life. When developed in the eye, they occasion blindness; in the lungs or other organs, they interfere with the proper functions of the organs; in the liver, which is the frequent rendezvous of these destructive creatures, a most serious and fatal disease known as hydatids is occasioned by the extraordinary development of the cysts, which are originally not larger than a pea, but by excessive growth assume enormous proportions. The same disease may occur in any other part of the body in which the germs undergo development.
The germs of these dreadful animals are found not only in the liver, but in other organs as well. Pork containing them is said to be "measly." Sometimes the condition is discovered; but that such is not always the case is evidenced by the fact that tapeworm is every year becoming more frequent. It has long been common in Germany. In Iceland it has become extremely common. In Abyssinia the occurrence of the worm has become so frequent, owing to the bad dietetic habits of the people, that it has been said that every Abyssinian has a tapeworm. In this country the parasite is most common among butchers and cooks.
Some time since, we received from a friend in the South a specimen of pork which was so densely peopled with the germs of this dreadful parasite that every cubic inch of flesh contained more than a score of them. The writer has in his microscopical cabinet specimens of the embryonic worms taken from hydatid tumors of the liver of a patient who died of the disease in Bellevue Hospital, New York.
The poor victim who is forced to entertain this unwelcome guest suffers untold agonies, and finally dies, if he cannot succeed in dislodging the parasite.
The Terrible Trichina
Now, my friend, assist your eyesight by a good microscope, and you will be convinced that you have only just caught a glimpse of the enormous filthiness, the inherent badness, and the intrinsic ugliness of this loathsome animal. Take a thin slice of lean flesh; place it upon the stage of your microscope, adjust the eyepiece, and look. You will see displayed before your eyes hundreds of voracious little animals, each coiled up in its little cell, waiting for an opportunity to escape from its prison walls and begin its destined work of devastation.
An eminent gentleman in Louisville has made very extensive researches upon the subject, and asserts that in at least one hog out of every ten these creatures may be found. A committee appointed by the Chicago Academy of Medicine to investigate this subject reported that they found in their examinations at the various packing-houses in the city, one hog in fifty infested with trichina. Other investigations have shown a still greater frequency of the disease.
A few years ago I obtained a small portion of the flesh of a person who had died from trichina poisoning. Upon subjecting it to a careful microscopical examination with a good instrument, I discovered multitudes of little worms. Each individual presented the appearance shown in the accompanying accurate engraving. The animal is there seen enclosed in a little cyst, or sac, which is dissolved by the gastric juice when taken into the stomach. The parasite, being thus set at liberty, immediately penetrates the thin muscular walls of the stomach, and gradually works its way through the whole muscular system. It possesses the power of propagating its species with wonderful rapidity; and a person once infected is almost certain to die a lingering death of excruciating agony.
In Helmstadt, Prussia, one hundred and three persons were poisoned in this way, and twenty of them died within a month.
It is doubtless not known how many deaths are really due to this cause; for many persons die of strange, unknown diseases, which baffle the doctors skill both as to cure and diagnosis. Trichinosis very much resembles various other diseases in some of its stages, and is likely to be attributed to other than its true cause. It is thought by prominent medical men that hundreds of people die of the disease without suspecting its true nature.
Pork Unclean
Have we not seen that a hog is nothing better than an animated mass of physical defilement? Few who have seen the animal will dispute that his filthiness is a most patent fact. How wise and sanitary, then, was the command of God to the ancient Jews: "It is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh nor touch their dead carcass."
Although it may not be said that this law still exists, and is binding as a moral obligation, it is quite plain that the physical basis upon which the law is founded is as good today as at any previous period. Could it be proved that the hog had kept pace with advancing civilization, and had improved his habits, we might possibly feel more tolerance for him; but he is evidently just as unclean as ever, and just as unfit for food.
Adam Clarke, when once requested to give thanks at a repast of which pork constituted a conspicuous part, used the following words: "Lord, bless this bread, these vegetables, and this fruit; and if thou canst bless under the gospel what thou didst curse under the law, bless this swine s flesh."
The Mohammedans, as well as the Jews, abstain entirely from the use of pork. Such is also the case with some of the other tribes of Asia and Africa.
Evil Effects of Pork-Eating
At the head of the list we place scrofula. How almost universally it abounds. How few are entirely untainted by it. How do chronic sore eyes, glandular enlargements, obstinate ulcers, disfigured countenances, unsightly eruptions, including the long list of skin diseases, all proclaim the defilement of the blood with this vile humor. So, too, do the vast army of dwarfed, strumose, precocious children tell the same story.
Erysipelas, too, a dreadful scourge, owes more to pork than to any other predisposing cause.
Leprosy, that terrible disease, so common in Eastern countries, and now beginning to show itself upon our own shores, is thought by many to be largely attributable to pork-eating.
"Biliousness," a name which covers nearly every bad condition for which no appropriate name can be found, is notoriously the result of pork-eating. This is the main reason why so many people complain of biliousness in the spring, after gorging themselves with fat pork all winter. The liver is overworked in attempting to remove from the system such a mass of impurity as is received in the eating of pork. It consequently becomes clogged, congested, torpid. Then follow all the ills consequent upon the irritating effects of the accumulation of biliary matters in the blood. The skin becomes tawny and jaundiced. The kidneys are overworked. Perhaps fever results. A partial clearing out then occurs, which enables the individual to pass along for a time again until some epidemic or contagious disease claims him as its lawful victim.
Consumption is another disease which is not easily separable from pork-eating. In fact, scrofula is its great predisposing cause. The narrow chests, projecting shoulders, thin features, and lank limbs of so many young boys and girls are evidence of a consumptive tendency, of which a scrofulous diathesis is the predisposing cause.
Dispepsia, that malady of many forms, frequently results from the use of pork, especially when fat and salted or smoked pork, one of the most indigestible of foods, is used. Pork requires between five and six hours for its digestion, while wholesome food will digest in half that time. This is the reason for the notion that salt pork is an excellent thing to "stick by the rib."
Tapeworm, we have already mentioned as the result of eating measly pork. It is a very difficult disease to cure, and often baffles the best medical skill for many years. Few ever detect the cysts in the flesh of the hog unless their attention has been directed to the matter.
Trichinae produce in man an incurable disease. No remedy can stay the ravages of the parasite. All pork-eaters are in constant danger; for the worm is too small to be seen without the aid of the microscope. However, this disease is not nearly so formidable as the others named; for it is not so common, neither does it entail any weight of suffering upon posterity.
Apologies For Pork-Eating Examined
On every hand we are met by all sorts of excuses for continuing to make swine s flesh an article of diet in spite of the striking evidences of its dangerous character. Let us examine a few of the most common of these apologies, and test their value.
Pork is Necessary as a Heat-forming Food in Winter Are there not plenty of more healthful animals than hogs to supply all the animal fat necessary? Certainly there are; and, better still, we have the various grains and farinaceaous vegetables, which are abundantly sufficient to furnish all the heat required by man in any latitude.
Our Fathers and Grandfathers Ate Pork, and yet Lived to very Old Age Ah! yes, my good friend, and you are suffering the penalty of their transgressions. You may not be aware of it yet; but more than likely your old age will not be so free from ills as was theirs. And quite as probably you may even now see in your children the results of your own, as well as your fathers, disregard of the dictates of sound sense in feasting upon the hog. Their frequent sore eyes, sore mouths, tetter, crysipelas, and other eruptions, are all evidences of the scrofula which they have inherited.
Neither can you urge the plea, "Pork does not hurt me." No man ever became a drunkard who did not make the same excuse for liquor. You may not feel it now; but the future will expose your delusion.
The Hog is Cleanly if You Give Him a Chance to Be so It is surprising to us that any one who knows anything of the real nature of a hog can make such an assertion. Who has not seen hogs wallowing in the foulest mire right in the middle of a green, fragrant clover pasture? The dirty creature will turn away from the nicest bed of straw to revel in a stagnant, seething mud hole. If one of his companions dies in the lot or pen, he will wait until putrefaction occurs, and then greedily devour the stinking carcass. The filthy brute will even devour his own excrement, and that when not unusually pressed by hunger.
The hog is by nature a scavenger, and is especially adapted for that purpose. Let him pursue his natural hunger.
Sufficient Heat Will Kill the Trichinae and Incipient Tapeworms Surely, dead worms cannot kill any one; but it must be delightful for the pork-eater to contemplate his ham or sausage with the reflection that he is partaking of a diet of worms. The Frenchman sometimes eats earthworms; the African relishes lizards; and one philosopher so far overcame his natural prejudices as to eat spiders. "How disgusting!" you say, and you shut your eyes and swallow a million monsters at a meal, because they are cooked and so cannot bite. The louse-eating Patagonian cannot equal that. But it should be remembered that in order that the parasite should be killed, every part of the meat must be subjected to a heat of at least 2l2 which is quite difficult to do, and is seldom accomplished. A whole family was poisoned by eating pork-chops, which were well cooked upon the outside.
What Shall We Do With the Hog?
Stop raising him. Turn him loose. He will soon find his place, like the five thousand which ran down into the sea in the days of Christ. If he must be raised, use him for illuminating our halls and houses. Lubricate our car and wagon with his abundant fat. Do anything with him but eat him. It would be dangerous to adopt the principle that we must devour everything which is in the way, or which cannot be otherwise utilized. Adam Clarke thought of one appropriate use to make of the hog. He said that if he was going to make an offering to the devil, he would employ a hog stuffed with tobacco.
Reader, what will you do? Can you continue to use as food such an abominable article as pork, and in so doing run so many risks as you must do? And if you decide that the animal is unfit to claim a place upon your own table, can you conscientiously raise and sell him to your neighbors injury?
Cases of Trichina Poisoning
The reported cases of death from this terrible cause have become so frequent that we are no longer startled by them. Ten years ago the description of the death of a person literally infested with worms, and tortured to death by their inroads upon the system, would have excited feelings of the deepest horror; but these accounts have now become so common that little interest is shown in them, and death from this cause is one of the regular causes of additions to the mortuary list. Nevertheless, the disease is divested of none of its real horrors by its common occurrence. No one is safe; any one who uses swine s flesh as food in any form is liable to the disease. Salting, smoking, and the other ordinary means of curing pork do not destroy the parasite.
A few years ago, Dr. Germer, health officer of Erie, Pa., was sent for in haste to see a patient who was supposed to be suffering from the cholera. He hastened to the bedside, and found a whole family sick with the symptoms much resembling those of cholera, though the season was then midwinter. Suspecting the possible cause, he secured a specimen from the pork barrel, and hastened to his office. Upon making a careful microscopic examination, he found myriads of the loathsome parasites in every part of the flesh examined. The writer prepared numerous microscopic specimens of the worm in various aspects from a portion of the infected meat kindly furnished by the doctor. These have been shown to hundreds of persons who were skeptical respecting the existence of such a pest.
In this case the hog had been fattened on the premises, having been purchased when quite young by the owner, a German, from a drove of hogs which passed through the city. It was known that, previous to the purchase of the hog, two of the drove had died on the road, and had been devoured by their scavenger companions. No doubt the deaths were the result of trichinosis; and by devouring the victims the whole herd became infected. It would be difficult to estimate what an amount of suffering and death was entailed by the consumption of this great herd of trichinous hogs. Several members of the German family died, together with several of the neighbors. Those who survived the acute stages of the disease escaped only to linger out a painful existence in the chronic and incurable state of the malady.
Some three years later the writer received a specimen of pork from a gentleman in Wisconsin who requested an examination of the same, stating that he procured it from the pork barrel of a neighbor whose family were suffering from a disease which the doctors called cholera infantum. Several of the children had died, and other members of the family were still dangerously ill. The pork had been suspected and examined, but no trichinae were found by the observers, though several physicians had inspected it. Upon making a careful microscopical inspection of the specimen, it was found to be alive with young trichinae.
Perintah bersholawat kepada Rasulullah dan mamfaatnya
dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu, bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallambersabda:
“Para malaikat senantiasa bershalawat kepada hamba-Nya selama berada di tempat shalatnya. (Mereka mengatakan), ‘Ya Allah, berikan shalawat kepadanya. Ya Allah, ampunilah dia. Ya Allah, rahmatilah dia’.” (Sahih, HR. al-Bukhari dan Muslim dari hadits yang panjang)
Dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu berkata, bersabda Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam:
“Jangan kalian menjadikan kuburan sebagai (tempat) berhari raya dan jangan kalian jadikan rumah kalian sebagai kuburan. Dan bershalawatlah kepadaku di mana pun kalian berada karena sesungguhnya shalawat kalian (itu) sampai kepadaku.” (HR. Abu Dawud no. 2042 dan disahihkan oleh asy-Syaikh al-Albani Rahimahullah)
hadits al-Husain bin ‘Ali Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallambersabda:
“Orang yang kikir adalah orang yang mendengar namaku, lalu dia tidak bershalawat kepadaku.” (HR. at-Tirmidzi, Ahmad, dan lain-lain, disahihkan oleh asy-Syaikh al-Albani t dalam Irwa’ul Ghalil, 1/5)
dari hadits Abu Hurairah Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallambersabda:
“Kehinaan bagi seseorang yang mendengar namaku disebut di dekatnya, namun dia tidak bershalawat kepadaku.” (HR. at-Tirmidzi, al-Hakim dan disahihkan oleh asy-Syaikh al-Albani t dalam al-Irwa’,1/6)
hadits Aus bin Aus Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu, bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallambersabda:
“Perbanyaklah shalawat kepadaku pada hari Jum’at, kerena sesungguhnya shalawat kalian sampai kepadaku.” Mereka bertanya, “Bagaimana bisa disampaikan (kepadamu sedang jasadmu telah hancur)?” Beliau menjawab, “Sesungguhnya Allah mengharamkan tanah untuk memakan jasad para nabi.” (HR. Abu Ishaq al-Harbi dalam Gharibul Hadits dan disahihkan oleh asy-Syaikh al-Albani t dalam al-Irwa’, 1/4 dan mempunyai syawahid [pendukung] yang lain)
hadits Anas bin Malik Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:
“Setiap doa terhijab (tertutup) hingga bershalawat kepada Nabi Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam.” (HR. ad-Dailami dan dihasankan oleh asy-Syaikh al-Albani t)
hadits Abu Ad-Darda Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu bahwa Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda:
“Barang siapa yang bershalawat kepadaku di pagi hari 10 kali dan di sore hari 10 kali, maka dia akan mendapatkan syafaatku pada hari kiamat.” (HR. ath-Thabrani dan dihasankan oleh asy-Syaikh al-Albani t dalam ash-Shahihul Jami’)
hadits Fudhalah bin ‘Ubaid Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu, ia berkata, “Rasulullah Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam mendengar seorang laki-laki berdoa dalam shalatnya lalu tidak bershalawat kepada Nabi Shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam.
Maka beliau bersabda, “Orang ini tergesa-gesa.” Kemudian beliau memanggil dan berkata kepadanya:
“Jika salah seorang kalian shalat, maka hendaklah dia memulai dengan memuji Allah dan mengagungkan-Nya, kemudian bershalawatlah atas Nabi, lalu berdoa dengan apa yang dia kehendaki.” (HR. at-Tirmidzi, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa’i, dan disahihkan oleh asy-Syaikh Muqbil t dalam al-Jami’ ash-Shahih, 2/124)
Sabda Nabi SAW :“Sesungguhnya lebih utamanya manusia bagiku besok pada hari kebangkitan ialah mereka yang lebih banyak membacanya shalawat kepadaku”. (Hadits Hasan riwayat Tirmidzi dari Ibnu Mas’ud, RA)
Kamis, 24 Mei 2012
Apa hubungan piramida mesir dengan Amerika? dan mengapa piramida ada di mata uang Amerika?
Abdullah ibnu Umar, menyatakan bahwa Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam berdiri di tengah-tengah umat mereka, kemudian beliau memuji-muji Allah dalam cara yang patut sekali, lalu beliau menyebutkan tentang Dajjal dan bersabda: "Saya peringatkan kalian, dan tidaklah ada Nabi yang tidak memperingatkan tentang masalah ini kepada umatnya. Nabi Nuh 'alaihis sallam memperingatkan umatnya, tetapi saya akan katakan tentang dia bahwa tidak ada Nabi selain dia yang telah menceritakan itu kepada umatnya. Kalian harus tahu bahwa Dajjal itu bermata satu; padahal Allah tidak bermata satu.
(Shahih Bukhari an Muslim)
Dalam Hadis panjang yang diriwayatkan Imam Muslim (nomor Hadis 5233) dari Sahabat Abdullah bin Amr ra dijelaskan, bahwa usia dajjal di bumi ini adalah empat puluh, tapi Abdullah bin Amr ra tidak tahu apakah kata empat puluh yang disabdakan Rasulullah saw itu adalah empat puluh hari, empat puluh, empat puluh tahun, atau 40 abad?.
Bagi yang membaca halaman ini mungkin bisa berbagi info asal usul ada gambar piramida dengan satu mata di uang dollar amerika tsb
apakah hubungan Amerika dengan piramida?
menurut beberapa sumber, mata satu itu diambil dari Tuhan (dewa) mesir kuno bernama Horus yang bermata satu
Mungkinkah kini Dajjal sedang menguasai dunia?
Persepsi saya kembalikan ke pembaca, bagaimanapun cuma Allah yang Maha tau
(Shahih Bukhari an Muslim)
Dalam Hadis panjang yang diriwayatkan Imam Muslim (nomor Hadis 5233) dari Sahabat Abdullah bin Amr ra dijelaskan, bahwa usia dajjal di bumi ini adalah empat puluh, tapi Abdullah bin Amr ra tidak tahu apakah kata empat puluh yang disabdakan Rasulullah saw itu adalah empat puluh hari, empat puluh, empat puluh tahun, atau 40 abad?.
Bagi yang membaca halaman ini mungkin bisa berbagi info asal usul ada gambar piramida dengan satu mata di uang dollar amerika tsb
apakah hubungan Amerika dengan piramida?
menurut beberapa sumber, mata satu itu diambil dari Tuhan (dewa) mesir kuno bernama Horus yang bermata satu
Mungkinkah kini Dajjal sedang menguasai dunia?
Persepsi saya kembalikan ke pembaca, bagaimanapun cuma Allah yang Maha tau
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Mamfaat makan/minum tidak sambil berdiri dan alasan medisnya
dari Anas dan Qatadah radhiallaahu ‘anhuma, dari Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam : “Sesungguhnya beliau melarang seseorang minum sambil berdiri”. Qotadah berkata:”Bagaimana dengan makan?” beliau menjawab: “Itu lebih buruk lagi”(HR. Muslim dan Turmidzi).
Dari Abi Hurairah ra. berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Janganlah kalian minum sambil berdiri.” (HR. Muslim)
sesekali tidak apa minum berdiri
secara ilmiah dapat dibuktikan melalui penelitian ilmiah berikut ini
In our bodies there are the pores of the skin as outside our bodies called sfringer. Sfringer is a maskuler structure (muscle) which can be opened (so that urine can pass) and closed. Any water we drink will be distributed at the screening stations located in the kidney. Sfringer it will open at the time we sat down. And vice versa sfringer will be closed at the time we stood up.
If we sat drinking with the water we drink will be filtered by the sfringer. Instead, if we take the stand so the water we drink will not be filtered by sfringer because sfringer when closed and directly to the bladder
At a minimum there will be 2 disease that we suffer if we always drink with standing (not sitting):
That is the minimal disease that we will suffer if we take the stand. That means there will still be other diseases that would threaten, if we take a stand.
versi bahasa indonesia dari sumber lainnya
Jika kita minum sambil berdiri maka tidak dapat memberikan kesegaran tubuh secara optimal, karena air yang kita minum akan cepat turun ke organ tubuh bagian bawah. Sedangkan air yang dikonsumsi harus ditampung dulu didalam lambung, di lambung tersebut air minum disaring oleh sfinger. Sfinger adalah suatu struktur maskuler (berotot) yang bisa membuka (sehingga air kemih bisa lewat) dan menutup, dan hanya terbuka apabila kita minum dalam keadaan duduk. Seharusnya setiap air yang kita minum akan disalurkan pada bagian-bagian penyaringan yang berada di ginjal, akan tetapi jikalau kita minum sambil berdiri, air yang kita minum tanpa disaring lagi akan menuju kandung kemih kemudian akan menyebabkan pengendapan disaluran ureter. Akibat banyaknya limbah-limbah yang menyisa di ureter maka bisa menyebabkan penyakit kristal ginjal. Salah satu penyakit ginjal yang berbahaya.
Ditulis oleh : Safira Hilwa Tsauri (Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta)
versi berbahasa inggris lainnya
Water contains dihydrogen monoxide, which is extremely dangerous to the pancreas if it is absorbed through the trachea. To prevent contamination, it's best to drink water slowly while in a squatted position. Sitting is usually fine, unless you're prone to acid reflux. Standing is the worst way to drink water. People who drink water standing often rupture the pancreas, causing toxic chemicals to seep into their blood supply and damage brain tissue.
versi berbahasa inggris lainnya
Why is it not advisable to drink water while standing?
Scientifically, drinking while standing lets water hit the lower part of the esophagus strongly, & by time this leads to a dilation and relaxation of the sphincter that connects the esophagus and stomach, which finally leads to a medical condition called "GERD: GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease" in which the acids in the stomach pass backward through the "relaxed" sphincter and start "burning" the acid-intolerant esophagus. This leads to the sensation of heartburn that most of people complain of. And that's why drinking while sitting in much more better.
Dari Abi Hurairah ra. berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Janganlah kalian minum sambil berdiri.” (HR. Muslim)
sesekali tidak apa minum berdiri
secara ilmiah dapat dibuktikan melalui penelitian ilmiah berikut ini
In our bodies there are the pores of the skin as outside our bodies called sfringer. Sfringer is a maskuler structure (muscle) which can be opened (so that urine can pass) and closed. Any water we drink will be distributed at the screening stations located in the kidney. Sfringer it will open at the time we sat down. And vice versa sfringer will be closed at the time we stood up.
If we sat drinking with the water we drink will be filtered by the sfringer. Instead, if we take the stand so the water we drink will not be filtered by sfringer because sfringer when closed and directly to the bladder
At a minimum there will be 2 disease that we suffer if we always drink with standing (not sitting):
- Any clean water we drink must contain lime. Because sfringer when closed, the water contents and no one can enter the so sfringer these calcium channels would accumulate in the ureter that will eventually crystallized. This is called urinary stone disease.
- Like a waterfall that falls into the hard stone, over time hard rock will be eroded and that blows a hole in the water. So is the water we drink, because sfringer closed then no water is filtered and all the water we drink will immediately fall into the bladder so the bladder will eventually get hurt and become infected.
That is the minimal disease that we will suffer if we take the stand. That means there will still be other diseases that would threaten, if we take a stand.
versi bahasa indonesia dari sumber lainnya
Jika kita minum sambil berdiri maka tidak dapat memberikan kesegaran tubuh secara optimal, karena air yang kita minum akan cepat turun ke organ tubuh bagian bawah. Sedangkan air yang dikonsumsi harus ditampung dulu didalam lambung, di lambung tersebut air minum disaring oleh sfinger. Sfinger adalah suatu struktur maskuler (berotot) yang bisa membuka (sehingga air kemih bisa lewat) dan menutup, dan hanya terbuka apabila kita minum dalam keadaan duduk. Seharusnya setiap air yang kita minum akan disalurkan pada bagian-bagian penyaringan yang berada di ginjal, akan tetapi jikalau kita minum sambil berdiri, air yang kita minum tanpa disaring lagi akan menuju kandung kemih kemudian akan menyebabkan pengendapan disaluran ureter. Akibat banyaknya limbah-limbah yang menyisa di ureter maka bisa menyebabkan penyakit kristal ginjal. Salah satu penyakit ginjal yang berbahaya.
Ditulis oleh : Safira Hilwa Tsauri (Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta)
versi berbahasa inggris lainnya
Water contains dihydrogen monoxide, which is extremely dangerous to the pancreas if it is absorbed through the trachea. To prevent contamination, it's best to drink water slowly while in a squatted position. Sitting is usually fine, unless you're prone to acid reflux. Standing is the worst way to drink water. People who drink water standing often rupture the pancreas, causing toxic chemicals to seep into their blood supply and damage brain tissue.
versi berbahasa inggris lainnya
Why is it not advisable to drink water while standing?
Scientifically, drinking while standing lets water hit the lower part of the esophagus strongly, & by time this leads to a dilation and relaxation of the sphincter that connects the esophagus and stomach, which finally leads to a medical condition called "GERD: GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease" in which the acids in the stomach pass backward through the "relaxed" sphincter and start "burning" the acid-intolerant esophagus. This leads to the sensation of heartburn that most of people complain of. And that's why drinking while sitting in much more better.
Keutamaan shaf (baris) pertama dan shaf kanan dalam sholat berjama'ah
Dari ‘Aisyah secara marfu’: “Sesungguhnya Allah dan para malaikat-Nya membacakan shalawat kepada jama’ah yang berada di shaf bagian kanan.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Dawud di dalam al Sunan no. 676, dan Ibnu Majah di dalam al Sunan no. 1005 dengan sanad berkualitas hasan sebagaimana dalam al Fath (II/213)).
Al Syaikh Ibn Baaz Rahimahullah berkata: “Telah diriwayatkan dari Nabi Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bahwa memilih shaf sebelah kanan adalah lebih utama ketimbang shaf sebelah kiri. Tidak disyariatkan bagi imam untuk mengatakan: “Seimbangkanlah antara shaf kanan dan shaf kiri. Tidak mengapa jika sebuah shaf lebih banyak terisi yang sebelah kanan, karena menginginkan keutamaan yang telah dijanjikan.”
Rasulullah shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:
“Sebaik-baik shaf pria adalah shaf yang awal dan sejelek-jelek shaf pria adalah yang akhirnya.
Sebaik-baik shaf wanita adalah shaf yang terakhir dan sejelek-jelek shaf wanita adalah yang paling awal.” (Shahih, HR. Muslim, no. 440)
“Seandainya umatku mengetahui keutamaan (pahala) yang diperoleh dalam shaf yang pertama, niscaya mereka akan mengundi untuk mendapatkannya.” (Shahih, HR. Al-Bukhari no. 721 dan Muslim no. 437)
Selasa, 22 Mei 2012
Tipe-tipe orang yang do'anya sangat mustajab
Diriwayatkan dalam Musnad Imam Ahmad dan Sunan At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasa’i, dan Ibnu Majah, dari Abu Hurairah r.a, katanya Rasulullah saw bersabda:
“Ada tiga orang yang do’anya tidak akan ditolak: Penguasa yang adil, orang yang berpuasa (lahir batin) hingga berbuka, dan do’a orang yang dizhalimi. Allah akan menaikkan do’anya tanpa terhalanga awan mendung pada hari kiamat dan dibukakan baginya pintu-pintu langit, dan Dia berfirman: ‘Demi kemuliaanKu, Aku pasti menolongmu meskipun beberapa saat lagi."
Ibnu Abbas r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW telah mengutus Mu’adz ke Yaman dan Beliau berkata kepadanya : “Takutlah kamu akan doa seorang yang terzalimi, kerana doa tersebut tidak ada hijab (penghalang) di antara dia dengan Allah“. H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim
(Kesimpulan: hati-hati menyakiti orang lain, karena doanya sangat makbul)
“Tiga doa yang mustajab yang tidak diragukan lagi
yaitu doa orang tua kepada anaknya,
doa orang yang bepergian (safar)
dan doa orang yang dizholimi.” (HR. Abu Daud no. 1536. Syaikh Al Albani katakan bahwa hadits ini hasan).
"Ada tiga jenis doa yang mustajab (terkabul), tidak diragukan lagi,
yaitu doa orang yang dizalimi,
doa orang yang bepergian
dan doa kejelekan kedua orang tua kepada anaknya." (Diriwayatkan oleh Al Bukhari dalam Al Adabul Mufrod no. 32. Dikatakan hasan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih Al Adabul Mufrod no. 24).
mengenai doa kejelekan orang terhadap anak, ada di riwayat berikut ini
Abu Hurairah berkata, ”Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
"Tidak ada bayi yang dapat berbicara dalam buaian kecuali Isa bin Maryam dan Juraij" Lalu ada yang bertanya, ”Wahai Rasulullah siapakah Juraij?". Beliau lalu bersabda, ”Juraij adalah seorang rahib yang berdiam diri pada rumah peribadatannya (yang terletak di dataran tinggi/gunung). Terdapat seorang penggembala yang menggembalakan sapinya di lereng gunung tempat peribadatannya dan seorang wanita dari suatu desa menemui penggembala itu (untuk berbuat mesum dengannya).
(Suatu ketika) datanglah ibu Juraij dan memanggilnya ketika ia sedang melaksanakan shalat, ”Wahai Juraij." Juraij lalu bertanya dalam hatinya, ”Apakah aku harus memenuhi panggilan ibuku atau meneruskan shalatku?" Rupanya dia mengutamakan shalatnya. Ibunya lalu memanggil untuk yang kedua kalinya. Juraij kembali bertanya di dalam hati, ”Ibuku atau shalatku?" Rupanya dia mengutamakan shalatnya. Ibunya memanggil untuk kali ketiga. Juraij bertanya lagi dalam hatinya, ”lbuku atau shalatku?" Rupanya dia tetap mengutamakan shalatnya. Ketika sudah tidak menjawab panggilan, ibunya berkata, "Semoga Allah tidak mewafatkanmu, wahai Juraij sampai wajahmu dipertontonkan di depan para pelacur?"[2] Lalu ibunya pun pergi meninggalkannya.[3]
Wanita yang menemui penggembala tadi dibawa menghadap raja dalam keadaan telah melahirkan seorang anak[4]. Raja itu bertanya kepada wanita tersebut, ”Hasil dari (hubungan dengan) siapa (anak ini)?" "Dari Juraij?", jawab wanita itu. Raja lalu bertanya lagi, "Apakah dia yang tinggal di tempat peribadatan itu?" "Benar", jawab wanita itu. Raja berkata, ”Hancurkan rumah peribadatannya dan bawa dia kemari." Orang-orang lalu menghancurkan tempat peribadatannya dengan kapak sampai rata dan mengikatkan tangannya di lehernya dengan tali lalu membawanya menghadap raja. Di tengah perjalanan Juraij dilewatkan di hadapan para pelacur.[5] Ketika melihatnya Juraij tersenyum dan para pelacur tersebut melihat Juraij yang berada di antara manusia.
Raja lalu bertanya padanya, "Siapa ini menurutmu?". Juraij balik bertanya, "Siapa yang engkau maksud?" Raja berkata, "Dia (wanita tadi) berkata bahwa anaknya adalah hasil hubungan denganmu." Juraij bertanya, "Apakah engkau telah berkata begitu?" "Benar", jawab wanita itu. Juraij lalu bertanya, ”Di mana bayi itu?" Orang-orang lalu menjawab, "(Itu) di pangkuan (ibu)nya." Juraij lalu menemuinya dan bertanya pada bayi itu, ”Siapa ayahmu?" Bayi itu menjawab, "Ayahku si penggembala sapi."
Kontan sang raja berkata, "Apakah perlu kami bangun kembali rumah ibadahmu dengan bahan dari emas." Juraij menjawab, "Tidak perlu". "Ataukah dari perak?" lanjut sang raja. "Jangan", jawab Juraij. "Lalu dari apa kami akan bangun rumah ibadahmu?", tanya sang raja. Juraij menjawab, "Bangunlah seperti semula." Raja lalu bertanya, "Mengapa engkau tersenyum?" Juraij menjawab, "(Saya tertawa) karena suatu perkara yang telah aku ketahui, yaitu terkabulnya do’a ibuku terhadap diriku.” Kemudian Juraij pun memberitahukan hal itu kepada mereka.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Al Bukhari dalam Al Adabul Mufrod no. 33. Dikatakan shahih oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih Al Adabul Mufrod no. 25). Lihat [Bukhari: 60-Kitab Al Anbiyaa, 48-Bab ”Wadzkur fil kitabi Maryam”. Muslim: 45-Kitab Al Birr wash Shilah wal Adab, hal. 7-8]
“Ada tiga orang yang do’anya tidak akan ditolak: Penguasa yang adil, orang yang berpuasa (lahir batin) hingga berbuka, dan do’a orang yang dizhalimi. Allah akan menaikkan do’anya tanpa terhalanga awan mendung pada hari kiamat dan dibukakan baginya pintu-pintu langit, dan Dia berfirman: ‘Demi kemuliaanKu, Aku pasti menolongmu meskipun beberapa saat lagi."
Ibnu Abbas r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW telah mengutus Mu’adz ke Yaman dan Beliau berkata kepadanya : “Takutlah kamu akan doa seorang yang terzalimi, kerana doa tersebut tidak ada hijab (penghalang) di antara dia dengan Allah“. H.R. Bukhari dan Muslim
(Kesimpulan: hati-hati menyakiti orang lain, karena doanya sangat makbul)
“Tiga doa yang mustajab yang tidak diragukan lagi
yaitu doa orang tua kepada anaknya,
doa orang yang bepergian (safar)
dan doa orang yang dizholimi.” (HR. Abu Daud no. 1536. Syaikh Al Albani katakan bahwa hadits ini hasan).
"Ada tiga jenis doa yang mustajab (terkabul), tidak diragukan lagi,
yaitu doa orang yang dizalimi,
doa orang yang bepergian
dan doa kejelekan kedua orang tua kepada anaknya." (Diriwayatkan oleh Al Bukhari dalam Al Adabul Mufrod no. 32. Dikatakan hasan oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih Al Adabul Mufrod no. 24).
mengenai doa kejelekan orang terhadap anak, ada di riwayat berikut ini
Abu Hurairah berkata, ”Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
"Tidak ada bayi yang dapat berbicara dalam buaian kecuali Isa bin Maryam dan Juraij" Lalu ada yang bertanya, ”Wahai Rasulullah siapakah Juraij?". Beliau lalu bersabda, ”Juraij adalah seorang rahib yang berdiam diri pada rumah peribadatannya (yang terletak di dataran tinggi/gunung). Terdapat seorang penggembala yang menggembalakan sapinya di lereng gunung tempat peribadatannya dan seorang wanita dari suatu desa menemui penggembala itu (untuk berbuat mesum dengannya).
(Suatu ketika) datanglah ibu Juraij dan memanggilnya ketika ia sedang melaksanakan shalat, ”Wahai Juraij." Juraij lalu bertanya dalam hatinya, ”Apakah aku harus memenuhi panggilan ibuku atau meneruskan shalatku?" Rupanya dia mengutamakan shalatnya. Ibunya lalu memanggil untuk yang kedua kalinya. Juraij kembali bertanya di dalam hati, ”Ibuku atau shalatku?" Rupanya dia mengutamakan shalatnya. Ibunya memanggil untuk kali ketiga. Juraij bertanya lagi dalam hatinya, ”lbuku atau shalatku?" Rupanya dia tetap mengutamakan shalatnya. Ketika sudah tidak menjawab panggilan, ibunya berkata, "Semoga Allah tidak mewafatkanmu, wahai Juraij sampai wajahmu dipertontonkan di depan para pelacur?"[2] Lalu ibunya pun pergi meninggalkannya.[3]
Wanita yang menemui penggembala tadi dibawa menghadap raja dalam keadaan telah melahirkan seorang anak[4]. Raja itu bertanya kepada wanita tersebut, ”Hasil dari (hubungan dengan) siapa (anak ini)?" "Dari Juraij?", jawab wanita itu. Raja lalu bertanya lagi, "Apakah dia yang tinggal di tempat peribadatan itu?" "Benar", jawab wanita itu. Raja berkata, ”Hancurkan rumah peribadatannya dan bawa dia kemari." Orang-orang lalu menghancurkan tempat peribadatannya dengan kapak sampai rata dan mengikatkan tangannya di lehernya dengan tali lalu membawanya menghadap raja. Di tengah perjalanan Juraij dilewatkan di hadapan para pelacur.[5] Ketika melihatnya Juraij tersenyum dan para pelacur tersebut melihat Juraij yang berada di antara manusia.
Raja lalu bertanya padanya, "Siapa ini menurutmu?". Juraij balik bertanya, "Siapa yang engkau maksud?" Raja berkata, "Dia (wanita tadi) berkata bahwa anaknya adalah hasil hubungan denganmu." Juraij bertanya, "Apakah engkau telah berkata begitu?" "Benar", jawab wanita itu. Juraij lalu bertanya, ”Di mana bayi itu?" Orang-orang lalu menjawab, "(Itu) di pangkuan (ibu)nya." Juraij lalu menemuinya dan bertanya pada bayi itu, ”Siapa ayahmu?" Bayi itu menjawab, "Ayahku si penggembala sapi."
Kontan sang raja berkata, "Apakah perlu kami bangun kembali rumah ibadahmu dengan bahan dari emas." Juraij menjawab, "Tidak perlu". "Ataukah dari perak?" lanjut sang raja. "Jangan", jawab Juraij. "Lalu dari apa kami akan bangun rumah ibadahmu?", tanya sang raja. Juraij menjawab, "Bangunlah seperti semula." Raja lalu bertanya, "Mengapa engkau tersenyum?" Juraij menjawab, "(Saya tertawa) karena suatu perkara yang telah aku ketahui, yaitu terkabulnya do’a ibuku terhadap diriku.” Kemudian Juraij pun memberitahukan hal itu kepada mereka.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Al Bukhari dalam Al Adabul Mufrod no. 33. Dikatakan shahih oleh Syaikh Al Albani dalam Shahih Al Adabul Mufrod no. 25). Lihat [Bukhari: 60-Kitab Al Anbiyaa, 48-Bab ”Wadzkur fil kitabi Maryam”. Muslim: 45-Kitab Al Birr wash Shilah wal Adab, hal. 7-8]
Khasiat madu untuk kesehatan
“Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu keluar cairan (yg dapat diminum) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat obat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan”. (QS An- Nahl: 69).
Dari Ibnu Abbas R.A. dari Rasulullah S.A.W. : ”Kesembuhan dari penyakit itu dengan melakukan tiga hal : berbekam (hijamah), minum madu dan pengobatan besi panas. Tetapi aku melarang umatku membakar dengan besi panas itu”. (HR. Shahih Bukhari)
Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Sa’id Al-Kudri : Seorang laki-laki datang kepada Rasulullah S.A.W. dan berkata, “ Saudaraku sedang mengalami sakit perut” kemudian Rasulullah, S.A.W berkata kepada laki-laki tersebut, “Suruh dia minum madu”, Laki-laki tersebut kembali kepada Rasulullah, S.A.W dan beliau berkata kembali “Suruh dia minum madu”, Laki-laki tersebut kembali untuk ketiga kalinya dan Rasulullah tetap berkata “Suruh dia minum madu” , kemudian laki-laki itu kembali dan berkata “ Sudah saya lakukan ya Rasulallah”, kemudian Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda “Allah telah menyampaikan yang benar, tetapi perut saudaramu berbohong, suruh dia minum madu”. Kemudian laki-laki itu meminta saudaranya untuk kembali minum madu dan dia sembuh.
Senin, 21 Mei 2012
Pengobatan tradisional ala Rasulullah yang murah dan sangat efektif
Dari Jabir bin ‘Abdullah radhiallahu ‘anhu, bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:
“Setiap penyakit pasti memiliki obat. Bila sebuah obat sesuai dengan penyakitnya maka dia akan sembuh dengan seizin Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.” (HR. Muslim)
“Tidaklah Allah menurunkan sebuah penyakit melainkan menurunkan pula obatnya.” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Usamah bin Syarik radhiallahu ‘anhu, bahwa beliau berkata:
Aku pernah berada di samping Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Lalu datanglah serombongan Arab dusun. Mereka bertanya, “Wahai Rasulullah, bolehkah kami berobat?”
Beliau menjawab: “Iya, wahai para hamba Allah, berobatlah. Sebab Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala tidaklah meletakkan sebuah penyakit melainkan meletakkan pula obatnya, kecuali satu penyakit.” Mereka bertanya: “Penyakit apa itu?” Beliau menjawab: “Penyakit karena tua.”
(HR. Ahmad, Al-Bukhari dalam Al-Adabul Mufrad, Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah, dan At-Tirmidzi, beliau berkata bahwa hadits ini hasan shahih. Syaikhuna Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi’i menshahihkan hadits ini dalam kitabnya Al-Jami’ Ash-Shahih mimma Laisa fish Shahihain, 4/486)
‘Auf bin Malik radhiallahu ‘anhu berkata:
“Dahulu kami meruqyah di masa jahiliyyah. Lalu kami bertanya: ‘Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang hal itu?’ Beliau menjawab: ‘Tunjukkan kepadaku ruqyah-ruqyah kalian. Ruqyah-ruqyah itu tidak mengapa selama tidak mengandung syirik’.” (HR. Muslim no. 2200)
Dari Jabir bin Abdillah radhiallahu ‘anhu, bahwa beliau berkata:
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melarang dari segala ruqyah. Lalu keluarga ‘Amr bin Hazm datang kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Mereka berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah, sesungguhnya kami dahulu memiliki ruqyah yang kami pakai untuk meruqyah karena (sengatan) kalajengking. Tetapi engkau telah melarang dari semua ruqyah.” Mereka lalu menunjukkan ruqyah itu kepada beliau. Beliau bersabda: “Tidak mengapa, barangsiapa di antara kalian yang mampu memberi kemanfaatan bagi saudaranya, maka hendaknya dia lakukan.” (HR. Muslim no. 2199)
Dari Anas bin Malik r.a,(ditanya) mengenai Hijamah, beliau berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah ber-bekam/hijamah dan memrintahkan keluarga beliau dan Rasulullah bersabda: Sebaik-baik pengobatan yang kalian lakukan adalah dengan Hijamah.Hadit dari Ibnu Abi Umar juga menyebutkan demikian(Shahih Muslim 1577)
Dari Abi Raja’, dari Samurah r.a. berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: Sebaik-baik pengobatan yang manusia lakukan adalah dengan Hijamah. (Mu’jam Kabir – At Thabrani)
Dari Muawiyah, dari Ma’ql bin Yassar r.a, berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: Hijamah pada hari selasa atau tanggal 17 adalah pengobatan yang disunnahkan(Ma’rifatu Shahabah dan Mu’jam Kabir At Thabrani)
Dari Muawiyah, dari Ma’ql bin Yassar r.a, berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: Hijamah pada hari selasa atau tanggal 17 adalah pengobatan yang disunnahkan. Dijelaskan bahwa diceritakan mengenai Pengobatan dengan Hijamah dan dikatan bahwa : Rasulullah SAW bersabda : “ Aku diperintah oleh Para Malaikat pada Malam Isra mereka (para Malaikat) itu berkata : Kerjakan Hijamah ya Muhammad .” dan mereka (para Malaikat) itu juga berkata Perintahkan Umatmu ber-hijamah. Rasulullah bersabda: Hendaklah ber-hijamah/ber-bekam pada tanggal 15, 17, 19 dan 21”.(Ma’rifatu Shahabah dan Mu’jam Kabir At Thabrani)
“Setiap penyakit pasti memiliki obat. Bila sebuah obat sesuai dengan penyakitnya maka dia akan sembuh dengan seizin Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.” (HR. Muslim)
“Tidaklah Allah menurunkan sebuah penyakit melainkan menurunkan pula obatnya.” (HR. Al-Bukhari dan Muslim)
Dari Usamah bin Syarik radhiallahu ‘anhu, bahwa beliau berkata:
Aku pernah berada di samping Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Lalu datanglah serombongan Arab dusun. Mereka bertanya, “Wahai Rasulullah, bolehkah kami berobat?”
Beliau menjawab: “Iya, wahai para hamba Allah, berobatlah. Sebab Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala tidaklah meletakkan sebuah penyakit melainkan meletakkan pula obatnya, kecuali satu penyakit.” Mereka bertanya: “Penyakit apa itu?” Beliau menjawab: “Penyakit karena tua.”
(HR. Ahmad, Al-Bukhari dalam Al-Adabul Mufrad, Abu Dawud, Ibnu Majah, dan At-Tirmidzi, beliau berkata bahwa hadits ini hasan shahih. Syaikhuna Muqbil bin Hadi Al-Wadi’i menshahihkan hadits ini dalam kitabnya Al-Jami’ Ash-Shahih mimma Laisa fish Shahihain, 4/486)
‘Auf bin Malik radhiallahu ‘anhu berkata:
“Dahulu kami meruqyah di masa jahiliyyah. Lalu kami bertanya: ‘Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang hal itu?’ Beliau menjawab: ‘Tunjukkan kepadaku ruqyah-ruqyah kalian. Ruqyah-ruqyah itu tidak mengapa selama tidak mengandung syirik’.” (HR. Muslim no. 2200)
Dari Jabir bin Abdillah radhiallahu ‘anhu, bahwa beliau berkata:
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melarang dari segala ruqyah. Lalu keluarga ‘Amr bin Hazm datang kepada Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. Mereka berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah, sesungguhnya kami dahulu memiliki ruqyah yang kami pakai untuk meruqyah karena (sengatan) kalajengking. Tetapi engkau telah melarang dari semua ruqyah.” Mereka lalu menunjukkan ruqyah itu kepada beliau. Beliau bersabda: “Tidak mengapa, barangsiapa di antara kalian yang mampu memberi kemanfaatan bagi saudaranya, maka hendaknya dia lakukan.” (HR. Muslim no. 2199)
Dari Anas bin Malik r.a,(ditanya) mengenai Hijamah, beliau berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah ber-bekam/hijamah dan memrintahkan keluarga beliau dan Rasulullah bersabda: Sebaik-baik pengobatan yang kalian lakukan adalah dengan Hijamah.Hadit dari Ibnu Abi Umar juga menyebutkan demikian(Shahih Muslim 1577)
Dari Abi Raja’, dari Samurah r.a. berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: Sebaik-baik pengobatan yang manusia lakukan adalah dengan Hijamah. (Mu’jam Kabir – At Thabrani)
Dari Muawiyah, dari Ma’ql bin Yassar r.a, berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: Hijamah pada hari selasa atau tanggal 17 adalah pengobatan yang disunnahkan(Ma’rifatu Shahabah dan Mu’jam Kabir At Thabrani)
Dari Muawiyah, dari Ma’ql bin Yassar r.a, berkata : bahwa Sesungguhnya Rasulullah bersabda: Hijamah pada hari selasa atau tanggal 17 adalah pengobatan yang disunnahkan. Dijelaskan bahwa diceritakan mengenai Pengobatan dengan Hijamah dan dikatan bahwa : Rasulullah SAW bersabda : “ Aku diperintah oleh Para Malaikat pada Malam Isra mereka (para Malaikat) itu berkata : Kerjakan Hijamah ya Muhammad .” dan mereka (para Malaikat) itu juga berkata Perintahkan Umatmu ber-hijamah. Rasulullah bersabda: Hendaklah ber-hijamah/ber-bekam pada tanggal 15, 17, 19 dan 21”.(Ma’rifatu Shahabah dan Mu’jam Kabir At Thabrani)
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